Avada Yo Mama

There's a difference between a "natural curiosity" and the way these storylines are handled in movies, which is almost always "you're not a whole person unless you know and have a relationship with the person who birthed you," which, nah.

I was adopted. I also hate the “must find ‘real’ parents” storyline. Unless the “real parents” are space aliens, that is a storyline I can really get behind (hi Roswell, Superman, Escape to Witch Mountain, Out of this World, etc).

I got into a twitter fight with a local morning radio producer (not in Chicago) when I tweeted about how the morning show was using a common meme as part of a segment on “bad tindr conversations” and trying to pass it off as something a listener had sent in (it was the stupid “how tall are you?” “How heavy are you?”

I remember the response to the first one being very similar, as was the response to Dodgeball, which I also love.

Ben Stiller in Heavyweights though.

Don’t worry, it’s not all white - there’s one latina (last name Reyes).

How long were people in comment sections saying, "She just overlines her lips! And uses that suction thing!" People will believe anything.

The prosecution’s motive was bullshit islamophobia, but I got a strong feeling from Hae’s journals and other’s description of their relationship that he was very controlling and possessive of her, to an abusive degree. In her journals, she seemed afraid of how he would react to things. If he did it, I think the motive

They definitely are. My father was initially turned away from police work and told he should “be a pastor or work with kids” because his psych profile was “too nice.”

Yes it's season 7 - Jackson tells Sookie he got a vasectomy (because she wanted him to so they could stop at 2 kids), but he really didn't, and Sookie gets pregnant again. It was horrible. Probably the worst of the bad plots of Season 7.

Maybe Sookie left Stars Hollow and, more importantly, Jackson, who TRICKED HER INTO GETTING PREGNANT >:( .

When they invented the epidural ;)

I’m never going to watch these (being an Old), but I have wondered, how is “PewDiePie” pronounced? Is it pronounced how it looks? Because that seems....wrong?

I feel like her dancing is meh. Like, she’s really well-trained and she does what she’s supposed to do, but she just doesn’t have “it,” you know?

I’ve seen Grease way, way too much, but here goes: Sandy doesn’t change for Danny, she changes for herself. There’s a whole song refrain about how she doesn’t like being “Sandra Dee” anymore.

Oh, you're right. I was remembering it wrong.

I thought she just knew him because his bar was closest to her place and she’s an alcoholic, then she realized the connection (and later started following him) when she saw the picture of Reva.

She doesn’t keep information from him in order to sleep with him, though - she sees the picture of his wife at his place after they hook up the first time. After that, maybe (but at that point it’s really no different from any other lie of omission that could end a relationship - cheating, lack of feelings for a

They had those kids together. And, as others have pointed out, of the two of them, she’s the one still keeping a household together. Jon can’t even function as an adult alone, let alone care for children. So, yes, Jon was a useless partner in their marriage, and Kate was high strung and yelled too much*, they’re both

I’ve only seen one episode, but Jon was wandering around outside, playing with the kids toys while Kate tried to get everyone packed up in the house for some trip. I’ve been on her side ever since (especially given his terrible behavior after their divorce - infrequently visiting the kids, taking low-paying jobs on