Avada Yo Mama

I don’t think her point was “I’m tired of reading about white boys and also about dogs” it was “I’m tired of reading about white boys and their dogs.” I remember reading several “white dude and a dog” books in school - Where the Red Fern Grows, White Fang, The Call of the Wild, (granted that’s kind of London’s whole

I wonder if Melanie Griffith is turning down roles on TV or bad/lower-budget movies. Don Johnson certainly isn’t (shout out to the 3 other people who watched Blood and Oil and When In Rome). Not that ageism/sexism isn’t a problem in Hollywood. Of course it is. But good roles for older characters of either gender are

Signed in just to tell you that you are not alone. Everyone is likeable except Howard. Fuck Howard.

No, he is an alleged rapist. We don’t call the rape of a child “alleged” anymore than we would say someone was “allegedly held up at gunpoint” or “allegedly brutally murdered.” “Alleged” is for the accused, not the victim.

Sounds like a fake accent to me...

I feel similar. Saliva can’t transmit the disease, but there is a very (very, very, very) slight chance that both parties could have, say, bitten their cheeks while eating lunch, right? Am I mistaken or is that the kind of contact that could (however slightly the odds) transmit the disease?

Confession: Sometimes I daydream plots to Hocus Pocus 2. My version stars Thora Birch, grown up and an adult virgin mostly because the town sees her as the crazy witch lady (no one remembers the events of the first movie). She grows tired of this treatment and decides to summon the Sisters herself ... to join them.

I’ve never understood Vegas shows in general. The appeal of Vegas is that you can get away, get dressed up, and drink as much as you want (in public) for a weekend for a couple hundred bucks. Why spend $100+ on a show? There is $1 roulette to be played!

That quote actually makes me a little sad for him. Poor guy doesn't even know what he's missing.

I've always thought that, while Jeopardy! picks people who are likely to know the answers, Wheel just picks people based on their on-camera persona.

I think a selfie stick (decorated or not) on every table (or just the tables with young people) would be really fun - like in the 90s when every wedding table had a disposable camera for the table to use.

It sounds like a great program, but I hope that they also provide removal services for girls who need it. I know several people who have had horrible painful experiences with IUDs (and these side effects are often glossed over by doctors).

Honest question: the exaggerated lips and padded butts are almost certainly a nod to the Kardashians, who have made that their signature look through plastic surgery. Is this still racist? (I think we can probably assume much worse happened here, though - if they had nothing to hide they wouldn't have locked down

The theme was “Kanye Western” - she’s “western.”

Victoria’s Secret has the most awful photoshopping all the time. In the catalog there is often poorly drawn-in cleavage, as though they used the airbrush tool in Paint. It's particularly noticeable when the picture has a side view, so you can see that they've added the cleavage of a D or DD woman to an A cup model.

She posts on Facebook and mommyish.com now

Right-but the “blonde” she gets in the commercial is very orange. Especially around the roots.

Am I missing something? Her blonde shade is super orange looking to me - basically exactly what mine looked like after attempting red to blonde from a box. It’s not like they did several weeks of slowly highlighting her and then said that a perfect platinum was the result of one at-home dye job...

The appeal of sororities is also parties and cheap rent.

To be fair, I think everything I dislike, that other people like, must be satire. For instance, I considered the first few seasons of Family Guy a pretty funny satire about sexist sitcom tropes (and sitcom tropes generally) until I realized that no, those were the actual “jokes.”