Avada Yo Mama

It sounds like it is painful for her to speak, and it makes me uncomfortable for that reason.

I don’t write the blind items, I just read them

That fits perfectly with that blind item, then - the up and comer feeling forced to admit she was OK with it (not saying it's true, of course. I love Miranda and don't want her to be a monster)

Kacey Musgraves is the up and comer, I believe. Miranda’s song “Mama’s Broken Heart” was written by her (and it does seem weird that Miranda released that song around the same time as Kacey release Marry Go Round - clearly Kacey was ready to start her own career, why would she sell such a fun song?)

I keep trying to star you, Kinja won't let me >:(

Oh, interesting. That makes sense.

Like, I get why they might steal and flip purebred Yorkies, poms, bulldogs, etc. - but a mixed pitbull? A chihuahua? Those are everywhere, and free/adoption-fee-only! Who is buying them on craigslist? (Unless, of course, they’re just reselling to the people they stole the dogs from :( ). I would buy my Chihuahua back

Ah, Limited Too. I remember so many “fashion” spreads in American Girl magazine with pieces from Limited Too, which, sadly, existed in (as far as I knew) only one mall in southern CA in the mid-90s, and my mother refused to drive 45 minutes for overpriced clothes. When one finally opened at my local mall I almost

Why are pitbulls and chihuahuas so sought after by thieves? I thought they were really common - those are the breeds that pop up most frequently on the various shelter instagrams I follow.

Right - but how do you implement it? Do you require all women of a certain age to undergo pregnancy/HIV testing?

Emma Thompson finally watched Love Actually, I see

That study sounds suspect to me. There is a difference between made-up terms like “pre-rated stocks, fixed-rate deduction, annualized credit” and completely made-up band names or city names. The finance people discussing the latter can make an assumption, based on what they know about “annualizing” and “credit”

The advancement was made through “prenatal care, HIV and syphilis testing for pregnant women and their partners, treatment for women who test positive and their babies, cesarean deliveries and breastfeeding substitution.”

Oh, OK, prob wearing them to try to get a honeymooner first class upgrade. Smart.

They are used for Bachelorette parties only. Right? People aren't walking around in these at the mall or something?

Great article.

I had expected better of John Green so good to know my expectations weren’t misplaced.

The trailer makes it seem just sooooo “manic pixie dream girl saves boring suburban white boy from boringness,” though. Is that what the book is like?

Obviously banning smoking from restaurants and bars is a good thing. But, I feel like everything you’ve said in the last part there could also be said about alcohol, which kills as many or more people as smoking (when you factor in drunk driving and such). Like, where’s the line? What addictive deadly substances are

I've found that vaping is just as good for the stress relief.