Avada Yo Mama

And practically all of her clients were hot guys. What a show it was. Maybe Hulu could bring it back.

Right - if he has assaulted people, then the shame is deserved. But the only thing Jen says above is that he’s “a perv” (and others have said that he’s gross or similar in those blind items). I’m uncomfortable with everyone taking him down just for having a weird/pervy/gross/etc. sense of humor (assuming that it is

A girl's gotta pay the bills!

What’s happening to Emma? She used to have such a sparkle about her. Where’s the Emma Stone who made Easy A? Stop hanging out with these boring old white dudes and get back in some funny movies, please, I’m trying to help, this is an intervention Emma

I liked We Bought a Zoo too. I think it just suffered from lack of editing (as many big director name movies do. The Hobbit series, for example) - it was way too long and slow.

I hate that I know the answer to this, and that I am about to write so much about it, but here goes: she has repeatedly tanked her own shows for love of her costar. In Ghost Whisperer, by the later seasons, she had negotiated herself to producer status, and she was demanding that Jamie Kennedy (?), her fiancé at the

Even if someone names him, do we really shame every comedian who is “a perv”? If the rumor about the hotel room masturbation is true, that’s one thing, but just being a “perv” in general is pretty par for the course for comedians, isn’t it? Unless it’s “perv who doesn’t respond to people asking him to stop” or

I hated the Pamela assault scene (and it definitely hit way too close to home) but I thought the point of the whole scene was to show how fucked up Louie was? Although them getting together later (I stopped watching because the depressingness:funny ratio had definitely turned, and I don't really like depressing shows)

I’m in the same boat as you. I’m quiet and apparently pretty unlikeable. But then I really don’t see what I do differently from the “likeable” quiet people at work. It is definitely going to adversely affect my career very soon.

Thank you for using the poop emoji so we don't have to look at his horrible face

Size 6? Please. Maybe when you're pregnant.

I prefer to think of it as their fragile male egos can’t handle being told that maybe he made a poor choice in what women he kept around, whereas women are more willing to listen to reasonable people and make educated decisions ;)

The way Clint was looking at JJ, he definitely has a crush on him. I don't think JJ reciprocates, though.

Also, why were they bleeping "penis" but not "vagina"?

What? I love Kaitlyn! She’s actually confronting the guys for being douchebags! That almost never happens! I feel like Britt would’ve just let Clint manipulate her, and probably would’ve cried and apologized for not spending more time with him.

That one is actually understandable. The Strip is clogged enough, and the casinos and hotels have taxi pickup systems in place - the Ubers would just make everything even more of a clusterfuck. Although I don't know why they couldn't just make area restrictions on Uber in Las Vegas and let them run everywhere else...

Oh, good point.

I think she's worried that people only want to be friends with writer/producer/actress Mindy, not Mindy herself.

She’s so well-known, though. It’s got to be hard meeting people and not knowing what their motivations are - do they want to hang out with you, or writer/producer Mindy Kaling, you know?

Right? Something tells me this won’t be a horrifying look inside the mind of a manipulative emotional and physical abuser. So it's not really "from Christian's side" at all.