Counter argument: the sofa has always been the best character on the show. A close second, the kitchen table.
Counter argument: the sofa has always been the best character on the show. A close second, the kitchen table.
Everyone says they want a Pokemon MMO, but do they really? Why would anyone want to deal with a bunch of kids with teams of 6 hacked Mewtwos running around? Or trainers with “xX420_DeathStar69Xx” usernames choking up Pokemon centers? What exactly is the appeal?
You ain’t kind. You ain’t smart. You ain’t important. We’re not in the fucking road company of The Help. Put on your critical thinking cap; and if you don’t have one, borrow one from a friend. I’m not here to educate you. Figure it out your own damn self.
Temporary insanity?!? Did you not read her statement where she expresses no remorse and makes herself the victim? I’m sympathetic to immigrants, but she killed two children and not only isn’t sorry about it, is whining that she got caught and even expects people to feel sorry for her over it.
“Normally, someone who suffers a mental illness, commits a crime that they’re responsible for because it’s an intentional crime, you knew it was wrong, you knew the nature and consequences of your act, but that still still leaves some mitigation to the crime that someone may commit because they suffer mental illness. B…
The fundies want Armageddon to come so bad. They are desperate for it. They feel cozy and warm in their safety, as they have hated all the “right” people.
I have an even better solution that doesn’t involve putting the most at-risk minority in even more danger: the special snowflakes that can’t handle sharing facilities with women that have penises can serve out their sentences in solitary, not the other way around.
Because your “comfort” is not more important than…
“You’re not in charge, shut up and get the fuck out of the car!”
I never competed at this level, but as a woman who trained for over a decade, this doesn’t surprise me in the least. It wasn’t until ~5 years after I quit taekwondo that I fully appreciated the depth of sexism and inappropriate behavior I’d experienced. As a teenager, I was training with men who were all 5+ years…
Oh, funny story:
I live in the same neighborhood as one of the Paul brothers. Their neighbors would greatly appreciate it if everyone would stop rewarding their awful behavior by watching their stupid channel.
A plot point can have impact even if you know it’s going to be Alright (tm) in the end. I got super teary-eyed for Spiderman, simply for how Holland utterly sold the death. Maybe it’s just my overabundance of empathy, but that one hurt.
I’m old, gay and white, and please believe me when I say “Fuck old white people”.
It’s that whole #MAGA thing.
President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
Sorry, I am new to the internet. Is this trolling?
On the bright side Patricia will make a hell of an executive one day. Just keep having problems with no answers.