Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Yeah, samesies. I’m shy and not that “pretty,” and I’ve dealt with my share of rejection. It hurts sometimes, but strangely, it does not make me feel entitled to kill people for not sleeping with me. (Thinking of people as people with their own wants, needs and preferences is magic that way!) But I’m definitely not

I love how people are piling on you for making an ironic and obviously hyperbolic comment that you obviously don’t mean on a story where men actually have and are still killing women. Like, dudes, look at the harrowing facts of this real story about real people dying for male entitlement...and then harp on a chick who

I’m glad we did as well. A nice little break since all of my response have been when I was at work.

You have a good day. Was a pleasure :)

And to think 62 million people looked at this man and thought, “yup, he’s my president.” Truly the president that America deserves, the epitome of what our nation represents.

Congrats. You just found a way to “All Lives Matter” the Cosby conviction. Grab your complementary bag of “go fuck yourself” on the way out the door. We’ll be changing the locks behind you.

Yeah I hear you on that, because I’m totally talking out of my ass too, but I also think there may be some mental illness going on here. This is not the rambling of a mentally well person. I’m kind of shocked that all the articles about this are jokey or angry about the fact that he says he loves Trump. I mean... Are

Damon Young at the Root summed this up pretty well in his piece on Monday.

Even I, the Platonic ideal of a mediocre white man, don’t agree with myself 100% of the time. It’s honestly closer to like 45-50%.

I don’t agree 100% with anyone but myself.

dating and discovering yourself is SO worth it, can be very fun and exciting, and luckily is so easy to tap into what with online dating. i’ve been dating a lot off and on past four years in between one tumultuous off / on (abusive also) relationship. i feel you - i’ve been with two narcissistic sociopaths who were

Or redevelop it into affordable housing for poor people. Add some community spirit to the spite.

Twice divorced means you keep trying. Totally applaud that. I’ve been engaged twice. ;) Taking my time to walk down the aisle. Think I may finally be ready soon.

Dyram - you are awesome. Thanks for the really kind comment. I truly appreciate it! I stepped away from the comments today didn’t want to get further sucked into it, so I’m sure I have more criticism I didn’t read. You’re right - as long as I’m pursuing happiness that’s what matters. For the record to all the haters -

It just occurred to me that the NRA has a Schrodinger’s Cat situation going on. To them, all gun owners are responsible gun owners... until they’re not. And once they are no longer responsible gun owners they argue that those peoples actions shouldn’t be used to justify gun control laws on the other ‘responsible gun

Most feminists by FAR are not in any way radical. Most feminists by FAR do not hate men. You’re taking a, EXTREMELY tiny amount of individuals and claiming they have far more impact than they actually do. The only thing ‘corrupting’ feminism are men who do that exact thing. They have more influence on feminism than

China is probably realising what most people realise sooner or later; “women’s” work, housework, cooking, cleaning, child care, elder care, care for the disabled, is extremely important and necessary for society to function properly. Unfortunately children, the disabled and the elderly don’t have fat stacks of cash

Third wave feminism is the number of feminist waves you need before you throw the Holy Handgrenade of Antioch.

Dude, I will bet you good money he doesn’t even know what Feminism is.