Dyram - The Emerald Blade

That would help the anti-choice agenda, too, though. What they are after with these kinds of laws (aside from controlling women’s bodies and especially our sexuality) is establishing fetal personhood, because if they can chip away at doing that, then they can eventually outlaw abortion completely and permanently. Even

Is your position that one is either completely on board with FOSTA-SESTA, or they don’t care about human sexual trafficking?

Why aren’t we discussing a FAR more serious issue of underage victims?

Exactly, she just seemed like a hastily thrown together plot device to lampshade the rivalry between Jake and Lambert...except in the thinnest way possible. I kept waiting for her to have some kind of use in the story other than giving Lambert a reason to basically say “Hands off, she’s mine” to Jake, and give them

“I’m a Satanist.”

So, this is the long saga of how I ran screaming from Corporate America and never looked back (and this is about a 10th of what happened as a whole). It’s really long, you don’t have to read it, but it was nice typing it out.

Yes, there are. But once it gets into the pockets of employees, there isn’t. For instance, you can’t use public funds to buy, say, porn. You can use your paycheck from public funds to buy porn. See the difference?

Just because this singular statement that Sinclair forced its broadcasters to record and air “does not sink to the level of propaganda” does not mean that it is not, by and large, a statement to let slide the constant propaganda that Sinclair forces on networks it owns.
It normalizes a stance against other news

It may be a generational thing too. There is a taste to Carvel that is unique and far superior (to me.) Funny, we are getting the space junk, but we are talking about our ice cream.

This is an unprecedented amount of lying. All press secretaries are out there to push the administrations narrative, but this administration outwardly lies every single day multiple times. This is not normal.

I’m from Jersey too... and it’s Rita’s 4ever. Sorry Carvel.

D&D combat rules are even more complex than a precise star chart. Doesn’t mean that dragons are real.

Comet me bro

When I first read this, I thought she was an astronomer. I thought to myself, “why does she sound so incompetent?” Then I double checked, saw astrologer, and it finally made sense.

I had to look up the formula myself when I lost my login info to Fharynheit. It is handy to have right here, though, right?

I’m with you. I’m not a big fan overall, but I have a small one on the outside of my ankle that’s more of a personal reminder than anything. Friends I knew forever didn’t even realize it was there for years. I’ve had it for about 10 years and have no regrets.

Sure the guy’s a heel, but this is corny. Toe the line and stop trying to nail DJT. He’s not some arch villain.

There should be a #MeToo moment for Hollywood children financially exploited by their parents. Especially since it seems to involve incredibly early and inappropriate sexualization of their image and vulnerability to creeps and pedophiles.

What is love?