I enjoyed the KKK dialogue scene because it also demonstrates that even the allies of Fascism, the complicit ones, are never truly safe. Once Fascism has dealt with all the “undesirables” it will inevitably turn inward because it *NEEDS* an enemy. It has to have someone to hate, someone to subjugate, to survive. Are…
I sent it anonymously. It could piss somebody off (perhaps even the officers from my story). I don’t want more reasons to be afraid. No report was ever filed, and I don’t think they ever had any information on my identity in the first place, besides an old Tracfone phone number, so I feel pretty safe.
I initially read “caffeine runs” as meaning “diarrhea from too much coffee”, and became a little concerned....
Eh, talk is cheap. Corker is retiring, he can afford to be honest. I’ll give Republicans credit for having a backbone when they actually start to vote against the shit Drumpf is doing- *while simultaneously trying to hold onto their seat.
*I see you, John McCain- cancer does not a hero make.
Yeah, I had one of those straight-up sadists. It was shocking how easily he cowed the other students to silence, then had a man-boy tantrum and swore to get me fired when I reminded him that “college is for grown-ups don’t call your mommy.”
To be frank though Dumbledore only “saw the light” when his sister got killed and then tried to use a child as a weapon by making him hate life through placing him with an abusive family for over a decade.
Always sit. You never know when a poop will sneak up on you
I pee sitting, for most of your reasons.
“Surprise poop mishaps” is my new favorite phrase. Sounds like a band name.
I sit to pee. It’s a blend of practicality and laziness. It prevents pee spattering every damn thing and I get to sit! Win-win.
If it’s hanging in the back, it doesn’t look good. ;)
Marina is dead to me.
The ONLY valid argument I’ve heard for back roll is when you have a cat that likes to spin the TP roll.
Obvious person-that’s-never-used-a-Switch spotted.
If your wireless controllers have significant lag, there’s something wrong with them. Actual measured input latency for modern wireless controllers is in the single digit milliseconds range. The vast majority of people can’t even notice it; it’s good good enough to do frame-specific inputs in 60 FPS fighting games,…