Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I feel I need to add I cannot believe how many people are saying she needs to cheat on him. Since when was cheating acceptable?! She either needs to break it off, communicate and develop results, or just live with the fact that her guy has boundaries he isn’t willing to scale and she needs to respect that.

What was that thing you said about cyber-bullying, again?

A rape joke is no big deal to you, but someone pointing out that it might be a big deal to someone else has got you so triggered that you are calling people “fascist” and “cunt.”

That fact just annoys me because this is the sort of thing minorities have been pointing out to supposedly decent white people for I dunno? Forever? And people rarely listen.

I don’t think you understand how persistently threatening a lot of cis-male behaviour is for women and gay men (and straight men too, if they don’t buy into this BS coding). You are essentially making the ‘boys will be boys’ excuse with the knock it off stuff, which is not acceptable. These guys should be sat down and

I always say it peni. Like the plural of cactus is cacti, the plural of penis should be peni.


but I do think that trying to say they shouldn’t have even drawn tasers or pepper spray is a little absurd.

or those with preexisting health conditions. Just so long as they don’t call each other mean things on the internet.

Added to this: children whose families are in need of food stamps/banks to survive.

“No child should ever feel hungry, stalked, frightened, terrorized, bullied, isolated or afraid, with nowhere to turn,”

The “hit and run” did not involve another person... so they were responding to a property damage incident.

I think that’s fairly common to the right-wing in many countries. Admittedly, the right in the US tends to be further right than most other places. When even the Catholic Church is more progressive than the Republicans, something is seriously wrong.

Hurricane Jose. Hurricane Katia. Hurricane Maria.

I live for Johanna’s adorkable faces and body movements

Not to make you feel bad JujyMonkey, but you have a 9 year old.

Thanks guys

It’s a lot less offensive way of making money then shoving auto-play video’s in someone’s face and then complaining when the ads are blocked.

OK - I’m going to trust my personal experience in the Canadian Arctic and 50+ years of science over your www.climatedepot.com garbage.