Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I mean, feel free to explain to little Janie all about your Randian jerkoff fantasy and how her mother is a leech on the system but Janie is eight and she’s hungry and she doesn’t understand why adults who have food won’t give her food when she’s hungry.

More *CLAP* fashion *CLAP* articles *CLAP* on *CLAP* Kotaku.

No and no. Many ex-military members are rejected from serving as officers because they’re ex-military. There are of course exceptions but those usually are due to nepotism.

Lol. My parents are both godless heathens. My dad is at best a lapsed Catholic and most of the time an avowed athiest. My mom grew up in an AME household but I think the last time she went to church was 1983ish?

That may be so! Though I’m lookin at the original Japanese version of the original game, over here . . .

Loved this article!

Thanks. I think...

This is pure genius. Yes; something not quite right happened. And either Samantha loved her mother too much to sever ties or she was somewhat fearful of her. Perhaps Darrin did die. And thus Samantha created a man with a full DNA replication. Alas, one cannot replicate a soul. That is only for God. And so the man she

I’ll trade places with that first guy. I’ve got the problem of not picking up on clues from women flirting or trying to start something who ARE interested.

Those prosthetics make her totally not sexy. He hasn’t even thought about grabbing her by the pussy. Sad.

SOLD! Your contract is in the mail. Please keep writing! 😘

Will need further details as to the reason Alice sleeps downstairs. 💕

Harassment and assault are illegal. Why aren’t you telling this to the cops? To the lawmakers? To the men you see harassing women? To the fathers of sons? Women have always been responsible for men’s behavior, have always been given this absurd burden, have tried their best to singlehandedly change men’s behavior in

Your mocking of the acronym suggests otherwise.

The sense of community created by non-scumbags at shows can be one of the most incredible feelings. I was at a metal show at a tiny, packed club when I was 18 and this dude kept “accidentally” groping me. I tried to move away without losing my view of the stage, but I was right at the edge of a mosh pit too (which I

I got groped by this skeezy looking skinhead at a GWAR show a few years back and he just literally would not leave me alone. I’d move to another point in the crowd and he’d follow me and just stand directly behind me and run his hands up and down my sides and across my chest. When the crowds get tight like that,

Thanks for explaining a little how the racism is here. While I was so happy there were tons of anti protesters out to show the “Free Speech”crowd they were out numbered, I know more than a few people who say all manner of racist stuff to me but think they aren’t being racist at all.

Regardless of her own views, I seriously doubt she would enjoy parallels being drawn between her daughter and nazis. Even the nazis seem to not like parallels between themselves and nazis.