You can come over to my place I live at
I’ve never seen any of these films (my age and my unwillingness to be triggered has prevented me), but I really wish there were more movies that talked about diet culture and how it leads to EDs.
Honestly, I think this article was a total exaggeration. I had never heard of this brand before until I was visiting my friend last month when she bought some to buy so I was in no way influenced by the branding. Sure it isn’t ice cream but it tastes decently similar. We got some caramel kind and it was sweet enough…
“I think we’d do better with a healer,” I suggested to my Overwatch team earlier this week. We were in the spawn…
Heather is a hell of a game journalist, really.
No there’s plenty of empirical evidence.
How come women can’t go sleeveless when Paul Ryan is allowed to go spineless?
Yes, this is a good addition. It can be understandable and forgivable for one guy to do it as an isolated incident, but it’s absolutely exhausting that it’s never an isolated incident from the perspective of the woman being inappropriately hit on (or worse) - we’ve all been through that so many times. And that’s part…
This kind of chicanery takes considerably longer than their normal way of processing orders (regardless if “proper” establishments do it as a rule). If it was common, in the long run this kind of thing can eat into revenue because of the excess consumables (plastic tubs) and decrease in average orders/hour and would…
Great video. Tremendous sax appeal.
Last week, a local Street Fighter V event in Ontario, Canada saw 15-year-old “Toffee” take a major step in her…
Alas! Brovahkiin hath spurned both your advice and thy website! How shall we face the morrow? There is naught but to trudge onward, into the future, without the sweet knowledge of his approval to warm our souls on cold lonely nights. A plague of disrespect is upon us, Gentle NerdLove. I fear we may never see the light…
You wound me to the quick, sirrah. I faith know not how I shall go on.
LMAO “RAGS TO BITCHES” Thugnificent and The Lethal Interjection Crew was always my favorite part of the show.
Pedantic question: when you say stiletto, do you mean the shoe or the knife? Because quite frankly, I’m okay with either one as long as he suffers.
No, see, it’s about ethics in historical journalism.
I would like to borrow your shower.