Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Oooh, can I use that? It’s perfect.

This discussion always confuses me. The FBI crime stats show that in about 92% of cases in which the victim is black, the perpetrator’s race — if known — is black. So in your mind, if this is wrong, what would the ideal percentage be?

“But why is he trying to divide us? Why make this a racial thing?”

One of the most infuriating excuses I heard for this incidents is “Well, he/she had a batton/scissor/knife/whatever that’s not a fire arm...”

STOP. It’s not funny, it’s gross. So many incest victims torture themselves with their own behavior and conflicted love for their abuser. We do not know what happened and until she says otherwise we have no idea. And comments like yours are hurting abuse victims.

That’s the book she should write. Poor little girl.

I’m convinced that he sexually abused her.

really? i vivaldi remember the first time i saw skid row perform, they sonically created the most art i’d heard in years.

But I can’t help noticing that the “landmark” case for social media and texting jeering is a young woman.

“Slow down, I can’t answer so fast, it makes me nervous!” = “Hang on, you’re not letting me get my stonewalling straight!”

Found the tweets in question.

Nobody is more glad than me, you can be sure. It makes me both very empathetic and very frustrated with folks still stuck in that rut.

Not looking like Monster Hunter is pretty much exactly how I felt watching that trailer. Something about it just seems off. Disguises and stealth seem at odds to me, in a world where you’re hunting apex predators who could probably smell you a mile away.

This honestly doesn’t really look like MH. Guess the 4chan rumors about this were right though. Apparently half of the devs are gonna work on MH: World for PS4/XBox/PC, and the other half are gonna continue the MH: Portable series on the Switch. I’m definitely more inclined to stick with the Switch and MH: Portable

I didn’t take any stand as to whether it was okay. Only that it is a reality. But, here I will take that stand. I think you have a right to call yourself a member of a religion if you want to, even if you are a terrorist. The KKK is a Christian organization. Other Christians don’t really have the right to say they

Just because modern Christians hasn’t run around mowing down citizens doesn’t mean they don’t share similarities with the cult depicted in the game.

You really believe a “large percentage” of Muslims believe in killing for their religion?

Like it or not, that’s what Christians are these days at least in America.