Breath of the Wild had motion controls for aiming.
Breath of the Wild had motion controls for aiming.
I mean, the basic premise of the game appears to be “If society were to meet everybody’s basic needs, humanity’s drive and creativity would stagnate.”
I mean, the basic premise of the game appears to be “If society were to meet everybody’s basic needs, humanity’s drive and creativity would stagnate.”
I was trying to remember what bad feeling I had about this game, turns out it was the gamergate stuff. I looked into his recent tweets and it seems he hasn’t changed. After the French election he tweeted:
Thanks for flagging that... what a douche canoe. Sorry pretty pictures. I shan’t be looking at you.
I feel like you’re kind of missing the point. Even if they had taken the pills knowing exactly what they were wanting to get high, that doesn’t mean he can rape them. Friends get high with each other all the time without expecting sex and usually don’t rape each other.
The last time I played the Sims, I decided to make a real monster. A black widow—a Sim who cared about nothing aside from herself, and her own pleasures. Widow was a promiscuous, flirtatious, kleptomaniac who had already broken up two families by the time she encountered Mortimer Goth.
Some dad’s just won’t take no for an answer.
Rubio sounded like a fool though. His questioning resembled the worst junior high debater
As a white man, seriously, fuck all of us. #yesallwhitemen. No mansplaining, no apologies, I just hope they all go down in flames. I’ll join the collateral damage, because this is fucked and I hate it.
I’m even sorrier that you and everyone else has to deal with all the shit that toxic White Supremacy culture has inflicted on untold millions throughout history.
That assclown from Idaho raised my blood pressure with his desperate attempt to absolve Trump from obstruction of justice.
I am surprised and pleased by comeys level of emotion. He seems very upset about trumps requests. Plus I LOVED his answer the the Idaho senator said “well he didn’t tell you what to do. He just hoped you would, right?.” And Comey said “well, when the president says he hopes you do something it’s a directive”
Also, even the certificates that didn’t have racial implications were problems. If you give a bunch of 7th-graders (or for that matter, a bunch of adults) easy, authority-approved ammunition to use against each other, the people who are already bullying targets are going to be in for another dose of it.
That’s only Part 3. Part 4 is effeminate hunky men dressed up in high fashion outfits beating each other up.
I’m just really committed to spreading the socialist cause this week.
Of the two dozen + folks I know who volunteered for Sanders, only two went off the conspiracy deep end. The rest of us *campaigned for Clinton* but still support what Sanders was and is fighting for, and to paint with an effing broad brush and writing is off as Bernie Bros (or denying we exist) is incredibly…
Oh yeah. It’s a definite road to misanthropy.
It’s complex, to be sure, but I’d anticipate a regular supply of ethically obtained blood might be difficult to maintain indefinitely. Plus it’d get boring after awhile eating the same thing. Imagine if you just ate one food, not even a dish, like just bananas every day...for the rest of your life. Same flavor and…
If the roles were reversed and she was being obnoxious about resolution when losing, the assholes on the internet would lose their shit. She has to hold herself to a higher standard than anyone else there sadly. But she’s nailing it.