Dyram - The Emerald Blade

And did he have the proper documents to cross the road? I don’t know that he did. And the media is ignoring the story. So we’re going to launch an investigation, and for the victims of illegal chickens crossing roads we’re going to set up a new government office, it’ll be fantastic, we’re calling it NUGGETS, it’s

I hear your rant.. I really do.

If having, sharing, and acting on racist stereotypes isn’t racist, then I don’t know what the fuck would be.

Your writing style is very douchey.

What? You’re like literally the first person I’ve seen who doesn’t like that concept. You nuts?

Because Christians never call for censorship of Christian references in anything, right?

There’s a reason it’s called “the slippery slope fallacy”

There’s nothing political about this. It would have bothered or offended people, or lead people to think the developer wanted to shock or offend. When that was not the developers intent. The localizers did a good job notifying them of the issue and informing them, and changing it to not have an unintended meaning.

Actually, that last line isn’t censorship, its you expressing your freedom of speech. Now if you were to go and force him to shut up, or attempt violence upon him for what he said, then it would be censorship.

Avoid rather than face head on? What is your point? The developer wasn’t trying to make any sort of political statement by using the letters KKK. It was a pun that only makes sense in Japanese to Japanese people. Finding out what the most prevalent meaning of KKK is to an American audience, and then deciding to keep

Why the holy fuck would you “stick to your guns” over a KKK reference? Seriously, I feel there are far, far, far better things to hang your hat on.

You don’t see what Light Power has to do with the KKK?

While they wouldn’t market themselves this way, they are effectively equivalent to a Christian version of ISIS.

I definitely would not say they are Christian, but they believe that they are Christian.

Are you serious? Swearing to uphold “Christian values” (as they see them) is a major tent-pole of the KKK organization, and citing their Christian heritage is one of their major justifications for their white supremacist views.

Uhh...Yes they are.

The KKK is an organization staffed, supported by, and created by church-going christian folks. They use Christian imagery when they murder people.

If the KKK aren’t radicalized Christians, ISIS aren’t radicalized Muslims. You can’t call the kettle black and not expect the pot to be the same

What the hell do Muslims have to do with ISIS? Please educate yourself