The weird thing about the Duterte comparison is that he admits that all the awful things about Hitler are true and still welcomes the comparison.
The weird thing about the Duterte comparison is that he admits that all the awful things about Hitler are true and still welcomes the comparison.
Nothing made me feel older than reading this headline, as it comes across like, “She is disguising herself as some lady named Adrienne Vittadini.” I may or may not be wearing these Adrienne Vittadini shoes at this very moment, and they may or may not have made me feel fancy and fashionable when I bought them (at…
I really think you couldn’t de-confederize in the US on the same level as the de-nazification in Germany. For one, there’s too much local sovereignty. Like one thing that should really be happening is we should have a national, federally mandated history curriculum on the Civil War, why it was fought, what it was…
“Terrorist Who Has Been Invited to the White House Has Been Cannibalizing Own Country”
That too, but I was thinking of the business/marketing/finance crowd mostly, along with the coding/programming crowd.
Sorry she turned you down, sport. Better luck next time.
A few years ago I read an article written by a grown woman, who had a relationship with her teacher when she was 15-16. She made it very clear that her teacher didn’t force himself on her or threaten her. He was the opposite. Sweet, nice, gentle, interested in her life. She chose, as a 15 year old, to meet up with him…
“Fucking an old dude is suspect” but an old dude going around seeking out kids to fuck is fucking disgusting and rightfully illegal. Maybe focus on the perps behavior.
I’d do the same, but I’m pretty sure the IUD string would hang out of one of my nostrils.
Oh, I didn’t know that. No anime in existence made me more angry than Oreimo did with its last couple of episodes that completely shit on everything they built upon. I HATE that show.
FYI to all, this is a shitty take.
There’s a little bit of difference between not letting African Americans attend a public school, and Ann Coulter.
2d girls better then 3d ones huh?
I am a survivor and I will always be a survivor. I will never get to know what my life would have been like had I not been raped. So, yeah, he can carry that for the rest of his life, just like she will carry what he did to her for the rest of her life.
“Just follow the laws and don’t get arrested and accept the consequences when you do get caught breaking the law” -Rich White Men
“Well I think it’s unfair. Throw more money at it to go away. This is going to ruin my future. Please give me some leniency” - also Rich White Men
I somehow read the headline as ‘husband sends letter to wife and daughter wishing they had been on board’ after it sunk.
I mean yes it is offensive but to me that’s a “read the room thing.” I’m on the spectrum and if my roommate said that, I would laugh and have no issue with it.
Like solving environmental puzzles.
This is true. In high school and college, and now with a roommate who has two sorority girl sisters, social media among popular girl groups is a steady stream of telling each other they’re gorgeous, stunning, TOO PRETTY, etc. It’s almost more of a social custom than an actual statement on how pretty you think your…