Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Oh I know how this ends.

“Also I’m going to guess it sees the player realise that the Empire is evil and immediately join the Rebellion. This is Star Wars after all where everything has to be good or bad these days (Rogue One was such a great breath of fresh air in that regard).”

What infuriates me is that what she learned from all of this is that she thinks she shouldn’t have voted at all. Really? With hindsight, you don’t wish you had exercised your right to vote for someone whose administration probably wouldn’t have ended up encouraging the type of ICE deportations that resulted in tearing

i kind of want to see the gorilla warfare copypasta in clothing form now.

I would have a lot of fun with that were I the living twin. I am a bad person though.

When my friend’s dad died, I went to the wake, which was where I learned something I never knew before. His dad was an identical twin. So, with no warning, I went into a room where dad was in the coffin, and walking around the room. Startling to say the least.

Think it’s safe to say Nerd Rage won.

Wouldn’t call it a counter point, more of an addition. Sure, blame him too. Nobody held a gun to his head and told him to say what he said.

Most people do not understand that the First Amendment’s protection of Freedom of Expression only protects you from government retribution for protected speech.

It does not—and has never—protected you from private or economic consequences visited upon you by an employer, a litigant, or any other individual or group that

So, by your logic, you would boycott your favorite restaurant if they fired an employee after they found out he was a pedophile.

Because your reasons for canceling the game has more to do with the removal of a known white supremacist. You could have given any other reason and it would be less racist (but then why would you even mention it on this thread) but the reason you gave is because they removed a racist.

This is a perfectly reasonable response. Others have already made the point that severing a professional association != censorship, so I’ll only add the following:

While it is exceptionally uncommon (and in some cases, even illegal, depending upon protected class status) for an employer to terminate an employee based

Good god, the bigot apologists are out in force today.

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean freedom from consequences.

Counter-point: No it isn’t. This is a reasonable repercussion.

I would like to remind everyone that this is not censorship and that Playtonic as a private business has the right to express itself as they see fit. If they do not wish to include voice work by a controversial figure in their video game that is well within their right. Jon’s free speech was not violated in any way