Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Awww, I love the white guy espousing the “hate speech is free speech!” argument. I get it. If we don’t allow women and minority groups to be formally verbally attacked in a free speech zone on any given campus, we are like North Fucking Korea. Dang, I love cool white guys who totally understand what free speech really

The Art of the Deely

oh, god dammit

I was worried for your face, but then I saw it still has 1 gold ring left so you’re safe :3

Shield surfing: A Zelda tradition since 1989.

I dunno, but I pass through Harajuku almost every day and I haven’t seen someone in a goth lolita getup in a very long time. There are a few shops but they’re niche. It’s like emo; there are a few holdouts but it’s largely gone from the public eye. My point is that western media is often badly misinformed about Japan

It’s interesting you’ve just described JonTron and PewDiePie as “nobodies” when they each have an enormous base of subscribers and viewers. You think Kotaku talking about someone pulls them out of the obscurity of millions of people who already pay attention to them?

I unsubscribed from him. I don’t agree with his stance and don’t want him get ad revenue from me.

If there’s one thing we’ve learned recently, elections should come with a 90 day, money back, full product replacement warranty.

Why am I not surprised to see so many comments railing at game designers having the gall to create games around substantive issues?

When presented with the choice between being a pessimist or optimist, I’m going to choose the latter. Maybe these games are just a drop in a big ass ocean. But if even one person does some reflection or feels something because of something they’ve played here, I think that means it was worth it.

We can have both. Creators can spread message of resistance in art and folks can march in the street. Hell, creators can march in the street as well. That’s the nice thing about the world; it’s nuanced and not a zero sum space.

Or most people reviewers didn’t mind the system. I’ve enjoyed the system through the whole game, because it keeps me from hoarding good weapons or relying on a single type.

Yeah, white guys always think that kind of shit.

Now playing

I mean, I doubt you’ll care, but this video does a decent job of summing up how I and quite a few other people felt about the joke. (It does deal specifically with Colin, not just the first tweet cited.)

I know right!? Like, relax, Colin. Don’t get so butthurt because people boo your lame joke. Can’t be leave he quit his job because he bombed on Twitter. What a special snowflake. Takes his ball and goes home like a little cry baby.

I’m with you. Personally, I’m okay with it. It’s cheaper than most season passes these days. And clearly the consensus is that Breath is a fantastic game so it’s not like the base game is lacking. But I can understand why people who are against DLC aren’t happy.

Ahhh, that was it! I kept having that issue at the aquarium I work at today. And then I went home and tried to play 1-2 Switch with my goldfish, same thing! Went to my bedroom, though...and it also happened, because that’s where my wi-fi was.

Being into fashion and being into trends are different matters, and there’s a lot more to fashion than trends. There’s a reason that fashion/fashion history is usually a part of the art section in bookstores. Beyond art, it can be an incredibly meaningful and personal form of self expression and claiming of agency.