Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I’m a hugger (guys or girls, it doesn’t matter), but I’m very aware that lots of people aren’t comfortable with this, so I always go for the handshake first, or just let them make the first gesture.

What do you mean by “actual games?” Do you mean games from big publishers? If so, why would they be mentioned in an article about indie games based on a presentation specifically dedicated to indie games?

First it’s “Waaaaaah no 3rd parties” now it’s “waaaaah there is third parties”

So explain to me what’s wrong with ports, exactly? Ports to systems that are essentially different versions of each other ( e.g., PS4/XBOne) are worthwhile for people who only have one of the two systems, but not really beyond that. But the Switch is a very different system than either of those because it’s also a

I’m very vocal about being autistic, but that’s because I find that discussions about autism are dominated by allistic caretakers who increase awareness without a corresponding increase in understanding of autistics themselves.

That is a consolation.

[...] and at best you have zero social awareness [...]

Ex cop here.

That cosplay gif though.

Bump because the “Obama did it” is a false equivalence excuse!

I love how all the Trump supporters in the comments who are ‘appalled’ at Gizmodo expressing something vaguely akin to a political bias (gasp!) can’t recognize that Donald Trump is, at this point, far beyond the traditional left / right divide in Washington discourse.

Hahaha. And with that comment you’ve single-handedly proven the widely held belief that Trump supporters are hysterical drama queens with below average intelligence.

If the purpose of the day is to show the impact of women in the workforce, I still think staying home (even if it means your kid stays home too) is worth it. Not that you need to be reminded, but if a school day is disrupted it proves the entire point-- You (the general you) depend on women to do their jobs so you can

Male here, full disclosure, isn’t that the entire point? That if they STILL WANT to show off their bodies (just quoting you, those caps aren’t meant to be aggressive) then they should be able to do so free of any consequences, disapproving statements (such as yours), or the expectation that that is what they should

And there it is.

Not even a little bit. That first tweet about how mean Nordstrom was for dropping her line didn’t come from Daddy’s phone, it came from her. She’s the one driving this whining. She’s Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka. (Her father is also Veruca Salt, in a weird twist.)

Nobody’s making you read this site. Hell, maybe you can go start a gaming site on Breitbart.

You should apply to Kotaku so they can have your pro-Nazi alternative facts represented.

I wonder how many folks will take a swing at this and miss the implicit message; my guess is that the number will be fairly low, given that the initial audience is likely to be comprised primarily of folks who were already on board with the message the parody is trying to send—but still.

As for the existential