Dyram - The Emerald Blade

avoid avoid avoid

avoid avoid avoid

Nazi Bannon has been very clear about why he is “all for them being in the White House”: because Trump is a means to an end for him. Trump got Nazi Bannon where he wants to be. “Trump is a ‘blunt instrument for us,’ Bannon told Ken Stern for Vanity Fair last summer. ‘I don’t know whether he really gets it or not.’”

I’d say Pelosi’s assessment is right on. Bannon respects 2 things: money and power. His support for the alt-right and white nationalist movements has elevated him. The mere fact that he gives it voice and uses it to his benefit makes their agenda his agenda. The fact that he’s allowed it to scurry out of the

How much “work of the people” do you honestly expect to get done by the Republican party to begin with?

It’s my understanding that doctors neither recommend nor encourage any permanent physical changes for transgender children. The most they usually do is delay puberty, so the kid can have time to think about if this is what they really want. “Transitioning” as a transgender kid usually just consists of being allowed to

rumour has it there was a circumcision option in the beta, but it was cut.

This may sound weird, but I’m glad a developer just doesn’t give a shit what people might think and put dicks in the game.

Good. Break up metas and force players to think on their toes. If there’s anything I hate, it’s whenever competitive games become stagnant and boring because no one ever wants to try a new strategy - just the same thing as always.

Damn. When Dr. Seuss burns you you done fucked it all up.

I don’t assume that a black person would have been arrested or shot, no, for all I know that police officer was a perfectly nice guy who felt bad about holding up the whole sidewalk. But that’s not the point. The original commenter was talking about showing respect to the police, because when a person is black it’s

I promise you - as a white woman with her own house and a job and shit as was previously stated as if that means fuck all - if I called the cops because someone assaulted my kid and the cop said the blatantly stupid shit he said to her to me, I would most assuredly get pissed off and raise my voice as well.

I think most white people would have shown displeasure as well. You seem to be interpreting her displeasure as aggressiveness, which, based on your statement “Black people can’t keep their cool when [etc.],” I feel comfortable concluding is a result of your own racial bias.

Launch lineup doesn’t make or break a system. Let’s just take a look at history here:

Here it is: white women NEVER want to be blamed. Ever. I can’t count the number of times I have heard white people argue that one black person represents all black people. But somehow you are exempt from this methodology? The division is not false, it is super real, and your comment shows exactly why we still live

Then stop helping “their side” by perpetuating the lie that he was punched because of his beliefs. He was punched because of his actions and the actions he has encouraged others to take.

If you’re anti-abortion but respect that it’s your personal decision and are cool with letting others do whatever they want because they ALSO get to make that personal decision, by all means join us.

That’s really going to clash with my psychology-themed pop band.