Dyram - The Emerald Blade

🎶 housewives intro music plays 🎶

I just read an article today that said more or less this - that the best way to get his goat is to not watch him. Making his speeches and interviews the lowest rated of their kind will drive him crazy. Stay informed, read the press coverage the next day so you know what’s going on, but opt out of watching all his…

He’s like that kid in high school who decided that he is throwing THE spring break party since his parents are going to his great aunts funeral. He got his older brother to get a pony keg and his dad’s stereo system still works pretty well. He spent a week making a playlist on his iPod and he’s going to lose his…

100% agreed. I’m fifty-fifty on the charge shot, and I agree that Toad Man was poorly designed, but it’s hardly the first: The beloved Mega Man 2 has Flash Man, who so deviously walks forward without being able to get off a single shot, if you do it right. There are crappy boss movesets in every one of the games. …

While some camps made a weak effort to conceal their murderous operations, Sobibor was clearly a death camp: prisoners were often taken straight from the trains to the gas chambers. After an uprising in October 1943, Nazis destroyed the camp and attempted to eradicate all evidence of the killings. But researchers have…

Yeah but he’s so hype that once he goes to jail he’s gonna start a prison drug gang and use the profits to bribe the guards to let him have a Nintendo Switch in his cell so he can play Zelda. HYPE!!!!!!

I got so excited I spontaneously developed an autoimmune disease which rejected all of my own internal organs and then I killed a drifter to harvest replacement ones. BEAT THAT HYPE, BRO!!!!!!

The landscapes look like they came right out of Ark Survival.


I was expecting an XCX port not a whole new Xenoblade. I hadn’t even heard rumors of this.

Super Mario Minish Cap!

But it’s perfectly fine if it’s that bitch Clinton and her emails 10 days before the election ...right?

I don’t find the Clinton example ironic. I think it is correct. And, if Kushner had any relevant experience or expertise, I would not have a problem with this. The issue is not nepotism so much as lack of qualifications. He is as unqualified as a number of Trump appointees- is Bannon more acceptable because he is a…

If those other people’s anuses are as loose as you’re implying, they should see a doctor posthaste.

Must it be sexism by men in order to be considered? Society purports a vested interest in raising future generations; were maternity and paternity leaves equally allotted and paid; and were child care universal and affordable, it would not be one parent who might have to choose to leave his/her career stream in order…

I don’t think the study really proves sexism has nothing to do with it.

No, you evidently do not understand why we have discrimination statutes. You don’t have logical consistency when you don’t understand the underpinnings of our rights.

You cannot compare being a sexist, and racist bigot to being gay. Sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic. People do not choose to be gay. Therefore that class should (and in many states is) protected from discrimination just like race and sex is. Donald Trump chose to say sexist and racist shit. It’s not…

A lot of times the reasons people brush off accusations racism/sexism/whatever is because people don’t think they could be racist or sexist or whatever, and refuse to even entertain the possibility - it’s a lack of self-reflection, not a lack of actual validity in the accusation.

Self-awareness is not a strong suit among this crowd.