Dyram - The Emerald Blade

?? No one is saying all doctors are bad. What we are saying is that it is unfortunate that should a doctor wish to discriminate against a patient who needs their help that would be really shitty. I don’t know why this needs to be broken down for you.

Making the cute girl character kissing another girl is the easy and safe route.

Or do they think it will give the chickens autism?

Wow what a throwback. I read that story 20 years ago in 8th grade, and I still think about it sometimes.

You’re about 20 years too late with this joke.

That thing with the 3DS using both screens to show a 3D version and a sprite version of the game is the neatest thing.

...and never recline my seat.

I had to +1 you for such a even-keeled account of what I view as the norm in regards to feminism. It gets frustrating when I see the idea get strawman’d and subsequently beaten into a pulp when, in every article where a feminist question is posed, there’s a multitude of responses just like yours. So that means that

On a news post about Onechanbara, an ecchi game about bikini-clad zombie hunters, I came upon a simple post raising a good question. The poster, whom we’ll refer to as Steve (because I can’t find the old post to tell you who he was), wrote the following: “Honest question. It seems like every time there’s anything

Y’know, I am an atheist. I believe that most of TST folks are, too. So I want to get all criticizey on them and say “Hey, don’t use satire to try to make your point, just use honest argument”. But y’know what? Their shit works. And it seems like it’s often the only thing that does, particularly with this sort of

I’ve said this before, but as a fairly casual watcher of the occasional anime, the blatant sexual fanservice discourages me from checking out the genre as a whole. That scene from Seven Deadly Sins is a perfect example - after checking out the pilot on a whim, I saw a teenager basically molesting an unconscious woman.

The most important rule of anime fan service is “don’t show me a 12 year old and tell me it’s ok, she’s really 1000 years old”.

But votes don’t come without activism. Activism is exposure, which leads to information, which leads to knowledge, which leads to informed decisions. It’s why some activists hold up mirrors to the cops who are beating them.

He looks like a Square Enix character’s lawyer dad.

You know I find it kind of funny you made an entire article complaining about Keijo’s fan service yet are recommending Izetta which has much more problematic fan service in that every last bit of it is completely unnecessary and shoehorned in. >_>

I really wish people would stop treating racism and misogyny as “a different side of an issue” or as a “different point of view”. Not every topic has two valid sides. If you’re talking about child molestation, you don’t go out and find people who believe molesting children is totally ok and treat them the same way as

You know i think that would work haha

Can’t help but notice that the pipeline’s original path - which was characterized as posing a threat to local drinking water - crossed a whole lot less of those blue squiggly lines than it does now with the new route.