Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Roto13, once again missing the entire point so he can focus on his own preconceived notions.

Having complicated feelings for someone, even being attracted to someone, doesn’t automatically lead to problems. Doubly so when your partner is open enough and trusts you enough to mention that they exist in the first place.


Akward Zombie is really the best web comic out of all of these, imo.

I actually disagree with you on that one. Skyward Sword’s motion controls were terrible, forcing you to map analogue motion to in-game motion. The tech was better, objectively, but a wiggle of the controller for a button press is a fairly accurate input that very rarely fails. The problem with Skyward’s inputs isn’t

Catherine really does hit eerily close to home. The questions they ask really can lead you to an “ending” similar to what you experienced in real life. During a major break up I had a few years back, I realized my Catherine ending played out very similarly to the real events of my life.

Basically, I was didn’t fight

Oh I know. I'm happy for her. Previous husband was too sour.

I don’t see anywhere whe it says the video was taken down after the patch was issued. If that’s true than I stand corrected on that one point. However, the general idea that Nintendo hates its fans is simply asinine. This is not fanboyism; I constantly am commenting on kotaku about how baffling I find it that video

All of my reviews this year will come with a pictorial verdict at the end.

Can we just get smiling Fahey for recommended games, or Fahey in bear mask gif for bad games? I feel that can’t possibly be misconstrued.

Librarian here. At our end, it doesn’t tell us anything about the book, aside from barcode, title, and author. We receive no “18+ check ID” flags. That is, if someone wants to check out smut, that’s them. That said, being a small town library, we tend to pre-screen stuff and most it stays off the shelf. About all we

The USA developed such a machine in the 1940s, actually.

Oh, it’s you.

That tweet is pretty much the only response needed to PA’s comic.

and I was excited to go back to his house when I found out he had old-schoolGauntlet. He’s now my husband.

Aww Dyram’s is the cutest.

I once got a handie while playing RE4. One of the most uncomfortable experiences I’ve had.

I loved the Ewoks because for once, Leia got to do something on her own without sitting in the background or getting rescued by someone else. By the time she’s found, she’s already handled the situation while the boys get themselves nearly roasted to death.

I love the Ewoks. Judge me. I don’t care.