Dyram - The Emerald Blade

What a touching story about you and Dan. I hope you live a long, happy life together!

A long time ago (in 2001 to be exact) I was reading an online comic that talked a lot about a game called Ultima Online. I’d never played an MMORPG before, so the whole thing sounded weird and intriguing, and I ran out and bought a copy, encouraging an online friend of mine to do the same. We had a pretty good time

I got my girlfriend into Splatoon a bit, and when it came to Splatfests (a popularity contest in which the winner is decided by votes + games won), she said she’d always vote the opposite of what I chose as it is her purpose to undo all that I work for in life. She’s a good person.

True, but this is self-censorship, which everyone does. No government is forcing Nintendo to do this, they chose not to include this stuff because it’s there choice. This is just editing the game of one small thing that doesn’t impact it at all. To explain this, I’ll just leave this video by Jim Sterling.

I mean, it’s definitely censorship. These costumes were clearly integral to the narrative arc and thematic undercurrents of the game. Removing them compromises their artistic statement and the message contained within them. How am I even supposed to get scared now?

Also acceptable: How do we make them forget we’re charging them at least 110 bucks for the full experience?

Excellent taste! (Of course, I would say that, being that mine is on the dresser behind me....)

Nintendo things are always safe. Over here Nintendo stuff isn’t sold to widely. For example in my city there’s only one store with N stuff, and if there are no pre-orders they get only 1 copy in store(which is gone before I finish work). This is exactly the situation where pre-ordering is great.

Another difference is that Colbert is actually funny.

What if I want to get MGS5, but I don’t want to buy it on release date, but 5 months later? I am gonna miss on all the pre-order goodies!

“Guaranteed sales”? Um, no they are not. You can cancel pre-orders everywhere. And no, the publisher does not get your money right when you pre-order, the money (however much you put down) stays with the company you pre-ordered from until they order their allotment. Digital pre-orders could be a different story

“Don’t pre-order games”

...my guess would be that they’re featuring cosplay, and understand that “perpetuation of rape culture” involves deliberate objectification of individuals—the reduction of a person to a thing to be acted on according to another individual’s desires—rather than, say, celebrating the hard work of individuals who made

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Adult Swim should hire Joe and play all of his videos during commercial break segments just to freak the audience out.

This just shows how much Google is corporate BS. The only reason the videos are getting marked is because a bigger name uploaded it. It makes it seem like anything that has a copyrighted name can take anyone’s work and upload it to get the credit instead of the people who put time and effort into something.

Sounds like Barney Stinson’s version of the movie.