Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Spirit photography!

I laugh every single time he does that in the show.

Spend time focusing on you, not him. Do things that are good for you and make you feel better, AG.

All great stories, but that first one can’t be beat. LumiNinja:

His impact was widereaching, and it will likely be felt in gaming for decades to come. May we aspire to ever bring so much joy and fun in the world.

You big softy. I'm gonna miss him too D`:

If it helps, re: translation skill, I’m discouraged a dozen times a day. A paragraph is too dense, too much time is lost on one phrase, a topic is unfun or unengaging, a more talented or fluent person is always coming along to dash off a better version. The mistakes, oh god, the endless mistakes. My confidence is

I just got into an argument on another website with a dick-head who was an Anti-vaxxer over this particular case. I called him a murderer. He asked me “Well... who would you charge in the murder of a child killed by vaccines?” I told him: The parent - because its the parent’s job to make sure their child doesn’t have

I think a LOT of bears are going to have a good time this weekend.

First, if you think you can be charged with a hate crime for saying you disagree with same sex marriage, your understanding of law is severely askew. Groups like the KKK still exist and regularly spew hate in person and on the Internet and don’t get charged with hate crimes for their speech.

State’s rights are not absolute. The rules of the federal Constitution can, have, and will continue to be applied against the states. For instance, SCOTUS ruled in McDonald v Chicago, an excellent ruling in my opinion, that states did not have the legal right to infringe on their citizens’ Second Amendment right to

It’s a major, historical event presented without commentary. Your reply makes no sense because there is no discussion. He simply shared a tweet that is major news. There is/was no talking about it.

I’ll be honest, I used to be one of those people who felt uncomfortable around gay people and I admit, I was probably very discriminating towards gay people but after the past five years or so, I corrected my self. Gay people are people, and most of them are cool. If they want to get married, I’m glad they have that

These interviews are amazing. Iwata also had one with the developers of Splatoon and it’s a fascinating look into game design/development.

Gets my vote for sure. I remember that creepy thing but forgot what it was other than some Mcdonald’s dealio. Off to research!