Dyram - The Emerald Blade


Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

This is Kotaku , remember? No number scores, so realistically: “Should you feel ethical? YES”

Is this ethics in gaming journalism? Can someone please rate how ethical this article is for me?

Ha yeah, this list was dead to me seeing Electrodome so low on the list. Stage is freaking amazing.

Excitebike Arena at LAST PLACE?? I may as well just stop reading there, it’s so wrong.

Do you even exist anymore?

The 3rd person switches always felt like an elegant solution to a fundamental problem with most gaming platforms. There is something fundamentally uncomfortable about being limited to first person perspective without actually having real world peripheral vision (along with other sensory input)... particularly in a

An extremely salient point that seems to be conveniently forgotten amidst the shrill cries for “creative freedom”

What part of “stores choose not to stock AO games” was unclear? What does that have to do with creative freedom? Stores are not obligated to stock anything they don’t want to sell. If they choose not to stock these games, that’s their choice.

I actually found it a smart moment in an otherwise less-than-compelling book. Obviously the two were going to meet; they might even be forced to kill each other. But Bruce and Thomas both are well beyond tears, at this point. Still, it’s a little oasis, a bit of closure, and I kinda like it.

You’re right. We have fucked up. Every single one of us has fucked up at one point or another —myself included, as any Dragon’s Crown fan will happily tell you. Should we have done a better job disclosing certain things? Absolutely. As Stephen pointed out back when this whole thing first started, one of Kotaku’s

If GamerGate were actually about ethics in journalism, they would not be actively trying to destroy Kotaku — a site that refuses press junkets, regularly pisses off game publishers through aggressive journalism, and is just about as transparent as any gaming site can be — they’d be going after Metacritic and exclusive

Dude, “Don’t push feminism” basically means “Don’t talk about anything that says that women have a bum rap.” Back in the 50s, lots of people down south didn’t have a problem with black folk.....so long as they ate at their own lunch counters. Saying “hey, maybe we deserve to eat with y’all” was “pushing an agenda.”

I got to talk to Joe a little at Classic Gaming Expo in Vegas last year, great guy. I was shocked when they started talking about this last night on their facebook group. Everybody thought it was a hostage situation next door, then it went quite for couple of hours until the police released them.

Why should Nintendo make Link female when they have a perfectly good female character who could be playable already?

math and science teecher. I no hav to spell gud.

Yea, it was pretty dumb. But you know what? Watching JoJo bluff like a madman more than made up for it.

I prefer not having women in the videogame industry...