if you feel like you are unsafe with your romantic partner, please call the Domestic Abuse hotline, at:
Yes, it's racist. Like, super racist. "100%" that "race or culture"? How can you be 100% of any culture, in today's world? ...or race? Everybody's got some mix in them.
Xenoblade started out by the book but the plot ended up going in wonderful directions later on.
Oh I keep tabs :) I look forward to hopefully being able to see him again, some day!
Weird Al is my hero. I got to see him once, when he played just outside a theme park. I also got my picture with him, when he and his entourage came in to ride the roller coaster. He's such a nice, down-to-earth guy. I'd kill to see him in concert, again.
Jealousy/insecurities are basically the societal constructs
Monster Hunter is the one series where Capcom does everything right. :)
Remember how, at the end of the first Star Wars movie, Leia Organa is the one giving out medals? She doesn't get one…
If you read "straight white people are the majority" as "bashing", that says far more about you than about this site.
"That's a bit bent, mate." "...he's become a bit of a poof."
I wasn't aware there was a rule against posting more than one article per game. Consider myself informed.
Let's be fair here... he can also draw chibi characters as Dr. Slump variations. ;)
There's a distinction I think many young men who lack the muscular body type depicted in most games fail to understand: Men are generally the folks who appreciate huge, muscle-bound dudes. We aspire to be mountains of muscle because we're told that's how masculinity is expressed.
Most of the women I've talked to in my…
So here's a serious question that you should think about. You don't necessarily need to respond.
I totally understand your point, and I think in the hands of a trained handgun user (ala Police Officer/Military/Etc.) than Yes, a concealed weapon can make the difference in saving a life. But that's why we have trained people like Police/Military/Etc. to take care of these safety measures. Even in the middle ages,…
Is that also true of Muslims who choose to still associate with Islam, I guess?