Dyram - The Emerald Blade
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This was his reaction when he managed to come back and talk to people. It disgusts me that I have to share my hobby and interests with the type of person that would do something like this to another human being for pure entertainment purposes.

I've been playing games for decades and nothing, NOTHING has made me more

Prosecute swatters as attempted murder.

Preferences. I personally think the XL is a downgrade since everything looks heavily pixelated and jagged to me. It's also way too big and heavier.

Start a forum of your own so that way people have names and can be identified and kick out the crazies from your forum. KiA, Twitter and 8chan do not work well in any capacity to prevent the crazies from rejoining your groups. If you have a forum with the more rational people, you can find answers and have an overall

Because that's what Gamergaters do. It seeks to belittle women in gaming under a thin guise of pretending to care about something so insignificantly small.

I think everyone feels that way. But I think most people think the reaction of a lot of the Pro-GG community far outweighs the perceived instances of lying and nepotism, and cases like this, where the GG community goes nuts because they've tilted at a windmill that really seems to be a giant (but is in fact still a

When asked for comment, the workers had this to say:

Yeah, I actually thought people would be up in arms over the suggested pantyshot.

This is why I have no interest in the Tales series anymore. One of the biggest reasons I liked it way back when (Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia) was because of all of the unlockables. Especially the costumes. Now though, they give you almost nothing in game, you have to buy it all. It's so sad, and very disappointing. I

Nope, you're not alone. It really seems like the DSi again to me as well.
A smidge more processing, +one little c-stick, same screen (albeit with tracking 3d), and NFC.. doesn't make a very convincing argument that this is the "next gen" portable for Nintendo.

I don't expect to be waiting but another year or two

Well, Nintendo, my money waits for the standard one. When NoA decides they want it they know how to get it. I know from past experience they have made some very questionable decisions that don't really seem to benefit the company. For me this is an unfortunate decision and one I am not happy about. I have a really

Boba Fett doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell against MegaMan, let alone MegaMan X.

X fairly routinely battles and kills a much more heavily armed, better armored, and better skilled version of Boba Fett - Vile.

I've lost track of how many times now X has destroyed Vile. 4? 5?

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The original video, i watched the poop, suscribed to the original guy (Waxonator) LONG ago:

take it back! I admit that Jotaro would have been the most appropriate for the current topic, but (young) Joseph it's never the wrong JoJo..


Too bad he used the wrong JoJo for the thumbnail.

I realize you mean well, but don't pathologize someone who's asexual. It's like telling a gay person that they'd be straight if they'd get checked out by their doctor or met the right partner .

"Here, the lightsaber would cut through the metal bit of the hilt, thus rendering your side-saber even more useless."

Unless the beams of the hilt extend into the central cylinder of the lightsaber, with the metal bits there simply to protect the user's hands from sliding into them.

There are plenty of legit reasons to not want to be involved with this project that don't involve cowardice. They have every right to decide what they publish. You might as well call gamers who choose not to buy the game cowards as well, and for the same reason. And you'd be just as wrong.