Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I had a similar incident happen. I was driving home from work, and I was stopped at a light next to a cop. When the light turned green, I accelerated quickly to get/stay ahead the other cars, but threw on my cruise control to make sure I didn’t violate the speed limit. The cop came speeding up behind me and started

I feel this so hard. I’m agnostic bordering on atheist and I want hell to exist simply to burn all of these fuckers for eternity.

I don’t clean the bottom of my shoes, but I make everyone take their shoes off when they get inside my apartment. I don’t need that (potentially literal) shit getting all over the inside of my apartment.

They don’t need it, but it makes it a hell of a lot easier.

It’s right side up for me, and oh my god what a beautiful face!!!!!! It looks very nuzzlable.

I’m really, really sorry that you’ve been through all of that. That’s a lot for any one person to deal with. I’m not going to patronize you and tell you that you shouldn’t take your life, but I do genuinely hope you find a reason to keep going and that things get better for you. After all, your dad is still alive now,

I think Usain Bolt should be, yes. The fact is that there are outlying human specimens that are going to break the standard mold.

I, too, was at work, and it was a much needed distraction, lol! ^_^

Fuck you and your judgmental attitude. I have ADHD and as a kid, it caused me to have impulse control problems which meant I was more prone to violence. Not once was it ever used as an excuse for my behavior. It was an explanation to why I was reacting the way I was, but in no way did it excuse how I behaved. It did,

Actually, it’s a great idea. “Hi, do you identify as a woman and have you been living as a woman for the past 6+ months? Great, welcome to the sport. Try outs are over there. Best of luck to you.” This would solve the trans issue as well.

I’m genuinely glad we had this talk. I think it let us both come to a better understanding of each other while better explaining our initial points.

And as you said, RDJ made a point of cleaning up and getting his act together. We both wish that everyone took his path. The fact remains that many people don’t get help, or don’t complete the help they’ve been sent to get, and even after given opportunity after opportunity, they’re still not in the right place to

No, I fully understood what you meant. Maybe I was the one who was unclear.

Most of the times where a famous women is incapable of doing so points to underlying issues with the woman that are inescapable.

The distinct difference with guns and the rest of your examples is how easy it is to kill multiple people with guns, but then there’s a complete lack of regulation around them. While there are people calling for a complete ban, they are so far in the minority that it’s never going to happen, and that’s completely

Maybe I’m silly for thinking this, but I’m pretty sure serial bullying and sexual assault/harassment should be deemed inescapable underlying issues.

No one has said guns need to be banned. I don’t know where you people come up with this. Stricter gun control =/= banning all guns.

Ugh, this gives me all the feels. You are super sweet and I’m so happy for you! Thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot! Don’t be a stranger! :)

I worked for CPS. Because the child got a hold of a loaded gun and fired it, that’s grounds for immediate removal from the home as it’s considered an unsafe living environment that’s hazardous to the child’s life. If no family is available or wants to take the child, the child goes into foster care. Friends aren’t

Internet stranger here. I’m, sorry you’ve been suffering from major depression for so long. Have you really made the decision to kill yourself? You don’t owe me any kind of answer or anything, but anytime anyone says something like that, I can’t just ignore it. But genuinely, if you want/need someone to talk to I’m