Sorry, I got so absorbed in my own thing. That’s awesome for you though. I wish you all the happiness and genuinely hope it works out for you! ^_^
Sorry, I got so absorbed in my own thing. That’s awesome for you though. I wish you all the happiness and genuinely hope it works out for you! ^_^
Aww, thanks for the encouragement. I don’t know that I want to ever try again, but we’ll see. For now, I’m just dating and rediscovering myself. I was betrayed very badly and then abused (manipulated, strung along, and lied to) for a year in my last relationship, so it’s been rough going. Thanks to a year of therapy…
I’m twice divorced, so...I’m pretty well aware of how rare a healthy, loving relationship can be. You sound like you have an ax to grind though. Like, I’m sorry if you’ve somehow been really hurt by someone, but that’s no reason for you to take it out on her or me.
Girl, you keep doing you. It sounds like you’re doing great! Congrats on the contract by the way! ^_^
You’ve been accosted by a whole lot of assholes on here and you didn’t deserve it at all. The amount of judgement in the majority of threads on this article is unbelievable. You have handled all the unwarranted criticism with an amount of patience and grace that I would never be able to muster. It also sounds like…
I’m from Central Jersey and this explains why both hold a special place in my heart, but tbh, I think Rita’s is overall better quality than Carvel. There’s way better ice cream than Carvel, but their cakes are top notch.
Off topic, I love your handle because I can never remember that damn formula.
I’m glad you’re happy with your tattoo! That’s honestly the most important thing by far!
I used to be super anti-tattoo, but then I got to a really dark period in my life and wound up getting one. I wanted to do something really extreme, but for myself. I thought about it for a couple of months, chose a design that I really liked and was unique/meaningful to me and got it on my upper-right arm.…
No. One. Is. Blaming. Guns. But. It. Is. Reasonable. To. Say. That. Her. Chance. Of. Survival. Would. Have. Been. Higher. If. Guns. Weren’t. Involved.
Seventh grade is different-ish though? I guess I misplaced puberty. It starts around 10 years old, so being sexually curious around that age is a real thing, but if people are actually having sex at that age, I think mandatory therapy and sexual education is needed instead of jail time or fines.
I think an 11 year old isn’t old enough to be having sex. Period. Puberty has barely set in, if at all. So, yeah, considering the difference biologically and mentally between a 13 year old and an 11 year old, it would absolutely be rape. the way I read them, they were all critiquing conservatives except for the second one which was a bit more ambiguous. Are you saying he actually was such a far-right political cartoonist that his comics actually demonstrated the points that the left has been making all along?
Depends on whether or not ice sports are involved. If ice sports are involved, well, let’s just say you don’t want to be anywhere within a 6 block radius.
Never get between a Canadian and an ice sport. You’ll have a bad time.
Yeah, she’s a lost cause and honestly a pretty nasty person. I have better things to do with my time than try to convince an obstinate bigot that they’re a bigot.
On that, we’re agreed. I was surprised the entire chapter wasn’t just completely disbanded at the school, which it really should have been, on top of the additional education. Maybe also fines.
Like Thensqqa said. Trans women are women.
Thank you for the overall pleasant interaction. :)