Dyram - The Emerald Blade

You’re a good dude (based on your comments on Gawker). Please don’t wish you could change that. Being the better person is harder, and it’s not always more rewarding in the short term, but as I’ve recently learned, being able to live with and love who you are is much more important (and should truly be the

Didn’t they have the consequences at the bottom of the article? Or are you saying from the Frat itself as opposed to the college?

Whoa, holy crap, what the hell?!?! Is there no HR department there? Hell, forget HR. The cameras and “Best of” moments should be enough to get the police involved!!!

This is actually the take I agree with. I’ll admit to being intentionally difficult and hyperbolic in my original reply because moom’s comments on this thread in general rubbed me the wrong way.

I’m not trans.

Let’s just eliminate the gender division altogether in sports and the olympics. Let’s let the actual best athletes in every field compete. Problem solved. I’m being serious. Women train at least as hard as the men do, and it will eliminate the justification for pay disparity between the gender lines in individual

Don’t pretend like cis white women don’t specifically vote against abortion. I guarantee you that a higher percentage of trans people are for abortion and women’s rights than cis white women.

That you think of women being chattel for reproduction shows your limited scope of thinking when it comes to sex. Trans women and very effeminate men have always been used as objects for men’s sexual desires (just think of all the stories of men going to South Asia for sex tours of young, effeminate looking boys).

I think this is the right attitude for someone who doesn’t quite get it, but is trying to understand to have. At the end of the day, I think everyone has the same goal: better treatment for women and POC, and more equivalent treatment overall for everyone as the end goal. Even if you don’t understand why trans women

It is impossible to be stealthy while eating chips. The bag alone will get you caught every time.

I, too, find that hitting people really hard with books is a good way to get them to back off.

JFC, I’m so sorry for all these comments you’ve gotten. We’ve been on this site for a long time through various kinja changes and I know for a fact that you’re a very level headed, reasonable, and intelligent person and I 100% agree with everything you’ve said. I think it’s important that Nolan be held accountable for

Why does everyone seem to like to ignore the fact that he is a powerful celebrity? His fame, in and of itself, gives him power over other people, even if he isn’t actively or passively physically threatening them. His celebrity gives him a clout that a random dude from a bar or an online dating site wouldn’t have, and

I really, really like this explanation. I was already on your side, and a lot of the comments that don’t understand this dynamic were really starting to upset me, but this explains it so well. I think it’s a great explanation of how abusive relationships work too. It explains the line “you don’t know him like I do”

It sucks, I know, but it’s for the best. Hopefully you find something good soon!

I’m going to disagree with this because, after my divorce, there’s no way I can commit to someone, no matter how much I like them. I need to figure out my shit and who I am and I’m just so turned off by the idea of permanent commitment that it’s an active turn off. I get where she’s coming from, sometimes it’s just

Yeah, after my divorce, I’m not ready for anything committed. The girl I’m fwb with and I had that talk the other week and we’re both on the same page which is exactly what I needed. My recommendation is that, if he’s not on the same page as you, you’ll have to drop him. I live in the NYC area too, so you can find


If you live near NYC...

Actually, instead, can we make resting douche face a thing? I absolutely think that exists.