Dyram - The Emerald Blade

That’s actually not true. The age of consent in all prefectures is 18 or higher. The 14 year old thing is so that 14 and 15 year olds don’t get hit with pedophilia charges for having sex with each other. Adults having sex with 14 year olds is just as frowned upon there as it is here.

New Order had moments like that for me

I kind of want to know if you ever hear back, and if so, what they say.

Armor piercing bullets, huh? What happened to their Blue Lives Matter mantra? Evil, self-serving, hypocritical fucks, the lot of them.

In the past 2-3 weeks, I marathoned all 4 seasons of Bojack. It is easily one of my favorite shows ever, and that’s saying something. I really think this goes to show that diversity on the team truly creates universally wonderful art. This show is smart, funny, and heartfelt in ways you wouldn’t normally expect

You clench. Very tightly. It’s not pleasant. Hence me preferring a stall. Also, it’s easier for me to play FEH without being caught.

I do it frequently. Here’s why:

I’ve made high level West Side Story references in my head, but haven’t dove too deep for risk of being a terrible person.

Off Topic, but I think not calling yourself Timja was a missed opportunity.

Thank you both for this happy ending. I feel it’s a rarity on the internet these days.

Username checks out.

Ku Klux Chicken?

If you don’t proclaim it loudly, how will everyone know how godly and humble you are?

I kind of want to go there and do this now? But I have no one to go with me and video tape it. :\

THAT’S your takeaway? Jane Goodall was clearly saying we are on the wrong course, but with a major course correction and through conservation efforts, we can still turn around and make a habitable planet for future generations. However, she also points out that the window is closing, so, yes, if we continue the way

Oh, absolutely. It’s the bread and butter of conservativism.

According to someone who has claimed to see the Fox News offices in NYC, it’s apparently plastered with white supremacist and KKK material. I’m not sure how much I believe it, but the fact that I don’t disbelieve it either is pretty telling about Fox News.

They need to stop using the word “vigorous” in conjunction with sexual assault. Seriously, da fuq?

Most climate deniers are moronic, racist, isolationist xenophobes (Republicans typically), so, yes, the rest of the world doesn’t count to them.

Isn’t this how most gamergaters started except they moved from just enjoying games to using gaming as a means of identity that excluded all others not like them?