My childhood image of Grandpa Joe has been shattered...This is not a bad thing, but holy shit!
My childhood image of Grandpa Joe has been shattered...This is not a bad thing, but holy shit!
Again, you’re assuming he’s reading anything and not just something he halfheartedly rehearsed (if at all) beforehand.
You’re assuming Trump can read.
Holy crap balls! That was amazing!
Thank you so much for sharing this. Had to resist the urge to burst out laughing at my desk. Wow.
This actually inspires me to play a darker skinned character.
Hey, way to focus on the one comment that wasn’t even all that insulting instead of comments like these which thoughtfully responded to your statement:
Your insights and knowledge on this site are so invaluable. Thank you for what you do both here and IRL.
I’m straight, but can we get married because when you said chunky purple freak wagon, I fell madly in love?
I’m glad your parents realized you were in the oven in time to safely get you out so you could still be alive and with us today.
Now I want to come up with an I dream of genie theory. And the Munsters. Hell, just do the whole 90's Nick at Night lineup.
You’re welcome. Maybe...?
That’s a good looking Larry. Damn.
Ok, that chronic liar? You need to drop him like, a year ago, especially when he goes on about “crazy exes”. These types are usually abusive in romantic relationships and use their charisma to ruin the lives of those who stand up to or leave them. It’s a method of control and manipulation and you’d be doing…
This comment made me want to vomit. Well played.
If you thought that was great, you should hear my conspiracy theories on why there were two Darryls in Bewitched!
Yeah, I try very much to avoid the blind spot bit.
I mean, where else are they going to do it without disturbing Mike or the kids being any wiser?
Oh, sheep. Real biting comeback there. You sure put me in my place.