Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Jumping into the lake, not the law...although one might say that the law jumped into them?

I think the timeline is cool to have, but not necessary. I'm just excited to play. :3

This is easily one of my most anticipated titles. Granted, ALttP was not my favorite Zelda by any means, but a new top-down Zelda created by the main Zelda team is something I definitely don't want to miss out on! Also, the new 2D mechanic looks like it can add a lot of depth to the puzzles (no pun intended).

Oh man! His Feng Shui will be off the charts! He should face Mega Man for all his inventory needs.

Even for PC games, I don't think codes are fine. This is how I think of games. They are collectibles. They're more than just data to me, and I should have a right to do whatever I want with them; whether that's playing them, selling them, breaking them, putting them in pretty dresses, etc. It's not the developer's

I really wish SE would stop jumping around with what consoles they release these games on. Either pick one or release it for everything. It's getting a little ridiculous that you have to own 5 different consoles to play these games (3 if you count backwards compatibility).

You got it! The power. Those moves! I don't know how anyone could come to any other conclusion.

I'd be like "dafuq" too if I saw a bear squee.

I can't enjoy it, and I've only missed BBS and Re: Coded. :(

Whelp, I know who my new main character is going to be.

Just tried that and it's no better. I guess I really do have to wait for the YouTube post. :\

Stupid livestream isn't buffering properly for me so I need to wait for it to post on YouTube. Is this multiplayer? If so, count me as being sold (not that I wasn't already).

That is great. lol.

The lag is absurd...I'm thinking of just turning it off and waiting for them to post it on YouTube.

I meant the toy that comes with the CE. Thanks, though!

I never played a SR game until the 3rd (which I got free via a steam key from a friend), and I fell in love with the series. God, the over-the-top zaniness of the game had me laughing most of the time. Also, the crazy stunts you can pull and the vehicle upgrades.

So sad...

With your turtle mouth?

Just...no vandalism. :I

What do you mean? AC is the perfect game to play alongside other games!