Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Maybe that's what I need to do...

Why are all of you followed by Kotaku but I'm not? Seriously?!?!

I never buy digital at full retail.

omg, lol. That was hilarious. I knew that the Benny Hill theme made everything better, but I had no idea how true that was!

I'm dreading that switch and hoping it doesn't happen. I still haven't decided what I'm going to do if that does happen. :\

It could, but still, I like owning my games, so unless they can consistently get them at like $20 or less, I'd find it hard to justify a purchase. Like I said, I want to own what I buy, not lease.

I game primarily on my Nintendo consoles, and then my PC. I just love owning the physical media. Even today, I can go back and still play my NES. It still works and is hooked up to my computer. If I bought an Xbox One, would I still be able to hook it up and play it almost 30 years later?

Don't worry, I don't feel that way, lol. It's just I think the concept behind that car is a little silly and it confuses the heck out of me.

It's nice to see someone being reasonable and offering solutions instead of just complaining, lol.

Fair point. Honestly, I'm all for variable game pricing. Some games are worth more than $60, and some games aren't worth that much. The games pricing market is too stagnant and could really do with some shaking up.

That's...I don't even...

I understand that both have them, but I don't think the physical versions should. Even the digital versions are questionable, but for some reason (maybe because it's just how it's been) I'm more willing to begrudgingly accept it, but you can bet I'm not paying more than $30 without a good reason on digital only

My older PC games would like to have a word with you. You can access the files and modify the hell out of them if you want to. Even as far back as the late 1990's, you still had access to all of the game's assets. Did you have to work to get there? Sure, but it's not much different then buying a toaster and

The Microsoft issue is a whole separate point. I'm just arguing about used games in general here.

If there is a significant cost to the developer that is not made up in the profit from the original game sale, then charge a nominal fee for the download and give the user the choice to update or not.

But why? When I purchase something - and that's the key word here, "Purchase" - I should obtain ownership over that product. When I buy a disc or other form of physical media containing software, why do I not own the software? Why should I be satisfied with "the right" to play it when, by means of purchasing, I

And this is why I hate being in comment obscurity...

I have been on topic this whole time. By saying "Just because it's on a disc doesn't mean its [sic] the same thing" is the argumentative equivalent of "NUH-UH!", and you're saying that MY argument is terrible?

DVDs and CDs are absolutely relevant because it's digital content created by someone else that's stored on a disc. You can't pick and choose with these things.

Fusion Dance?