Dyram - The Emerald Blade

My sarcasm sense is tingling...


When it's the only mode in which you can play the game, yeah, it kind of is.

Beat me to it.

That's what I Reich to hear.

Did Europe try that "all German" thing twice before? Last I checked it didn't work out all too well. :\

I guess I can understand that, but it does suck. Don't know if I would have gotten it, granted, but I would've liked it to have been on the console.

It's possible. I'd be interested to see/hear the reason at the very least.

Yeah, but Battlefield is published by EA, right? I'm not sure how much of this is a DICE decision, and how much is an EA decision seeing as how EA seems to have a grudge against Nintendo right now.

Doctor, that's a tennis ball...

The hat is wrong. BEWARE THE FALSE WALDO!!!!

I think he's lying, and I was just playing along. If it really is there (which I seriously doubt), I don't see it.

I still can't see waldo. Is it because of my resolution? Most things are just blobs on my screen. :\

You really can't see it?

Just a good angle. Super uncanny though. How did you spot that?

Not quite. It looks they will eventually be bringing Speak Up and TAY over.

I think it's be a winner. The drums are just so damn happy, I can't help but think it makes everyone else around them happy as well.

No problem! Always glad to give constructive criticism. :)