Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I'll admit, I chuckled a little bit. I can just imagine that happening. At least it was just a stick and no one got hurt.

Right? I just don't get it. Personally, I like her articles. They aren't all winners, but no ones are. At least she's doing something slightly different.

I second the forced double space on "enter" clicks. Can this be fixed to be made a single space on "enter" clicks.

Dude, lay off Patricia. All the hate she gets is unwarranted and it's getting really old that SOMEONE has to bash her in each article. If you don't like her articles, fine, but lay off.

Edit: I see my other post now. It just took a while to post.

Hooray! The gallery view is gone!

Double Post: Ignore.

Looks like it's going back to the old kotaku for better or worse. A new version of starred commentors is not necessarily a bad thing, though. I've been seeing a lot of vitriol in the comments recently, and I think this will be a welcome change over all. Some improvements can still be made, for sure. For example,

He's the second Doctor, right?

We definitely plan on watching Torchwood. :3

I'm definitely looking forward to watching more. Also glad to hear it's still going!

They did, but I'm too lazy to go back and hunt for it.

The wife and I just started watching Doctor Who (the new one) this week. Finished the first season and loving it so far. It's campy in all the right ways. :3

My friend had that game and I borrowed it from him. It's actually REALLY good.

Creative is a word.


In Gen IV, there were several pokemon that filled in gaps in my team that I didn't know existed. In Gen V, I almost swapped out two of my previous team. They always add some new twists with each generation. Include double, triple, and rotation battles on top of that, and the newer pokemon they add all have some

At least many of the new pokemon are original creations now and not derivatives of existing creatures in real life. Ice cream cones and bags of garbage aside.

This one, I will give you. Not a fan of trubbish or garbodor. Then again, I was never a fan of this pokemon either...

EdibleFood is being a prick and not giving all the information on this pokemon. Rotom (as other people have stated) is a ghost/electric type pokemon that haunts household appliances and takes on an element based on the appliance (fire for oven, grass for lawnmower, water for washing machine, ice for fridge, and