The PS2 was plagued with horrible shovelware titles, but you don't hear anyone complaining about those. Why is it so different for Nintendo? You ignore the crap, and play the good games, of which there were plenty on the Wii and DS.
The PS2 was plagued with horrible shovelware titles, but you don't hear anyone complaining about those. Why is it so different for Nintendo? You ignore the crap, and play the good games, of which there were plenty on the Wii and DS.
So, you're saying that gaming should go the way of the crash in 1983?
Honestly, not THAT much more than that. Even the PS4 specs as we know them right now aren't THAT much more powerful than the Wii U, at least not compared to other generations. I think that, once we really see games being released, the difference will be fairly negligible, or at least not any more significant than…
I know, right? Finally...
I totally posted this on TAY, like, 2 or 3 days ago, lol.
I loved watching my roommates play Disgaea in college, but could never get into it myself. I'm just not a huge fan of strat RPGs. The only series I've ever been able to get into was Fire Emblem (which, by all logic, I should despise).
So far, that's only in Japan. We need to see if they bring it stateside.
I think all Ubisoft downloadable titles are 30% off on the e-shop now too.
Because Capcom and Japan is the best I can come up with.
I've never played either of these, so here's hoping they release stateside (I can't imagine they wouldn't).
I don't know where you've been. Kotaku has a daily segment in the afternoon dedicated to comics.
I do not like Bushman. He's clearly got an agenda is not afraid to skew or misinterpret his data to prove that video games cause violence.
We'll have to wait and see.
Why do people still throw that tired old trope around as if it was fact? The Wii U is more powerful than the 360 AND the PS3. Deal with it.
To completely gloss over the 3rd party games that Nintendo did have, though, is asinine. They were all very good games, and I would argue that Muramasa, NMH 1&2, Monster Hunter, and Mad World were all critically acclaimed as well. That list was just from the top of my head.
Yeah, but most of those games you listed also were released pretty much everywhere else. Also, all of those games were better on the PC than any of the consoles, especially the PS3. Didn't Skyrim have a huge number of bugs for the PS3? Also, any DLC for any of those games came out for Microsoft/PC before it came…
Because, you know, the Wii didn't have Klonoa, No More Heroes, Muramasa, Red Steel 2, Tales of Symphonia 2, Xenoblade, Last Story, Monster Hunter Tri, Goldeneye, Mad World, or any other critically acclaimed 3rd party games.
It's always nice to see a Ruri Hoshino in galleries. Ah, Nadesco. <3
I love you for saying that. That game was awesome!
Oh yeah, I agree. I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Just an observation.