Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I can see the similarities, but yeah, they're only slightly similar to the original.

Sometimes you just have a bad day and get argumentative. It's not Hype's usual MO. I had a day like that about 2 weeks ago, lol.

Those are SO awesome. I would seriously consider buying that...

You replied to the wrong person. That being said, I can understand why he's doing it. Consider for a moment if every other article was doom and gloom about how your favorite console was going to hell and was going to die out, and then you read an onslaught of comments relishing in the fact that your favorite console

lol. I"ll have to take your word for it. :3

Dude, how can you call me "Doc" and fail to put up this image (or something to its effect). Wasted opportunity, man. Wasted opportunity.

I don't and have never played a COD, but stating that FPS games require no strategy is a load of bull. You have to flank, use cover, determine the best weapon to use against your opponent, manager your ammo and weapon loadout (inventory), learn the maps you're playing on, and adapt your play style based on a

Most, but not all. Also, the "one-shot-the-hell" can be really disheartening if you've been grinding to level up... >_>

This game is better than the originals. The levels have more variety and challenge (and not necessarily the unfair kind) and when you do multiplayer, both people can play AT THE SAME TIME instead of switching off constantly.

DQIX was a LOT of fun though. Yeah it was a lot of questing, but the quests were typically cute and the characters fun. Also, the ability to constantly reclass, play locally with friends, and get those fun dungeon maps made it a REALLY good game. Also, the story was pretty good, too. It had some really emotional

He's not bashing the idea of silly stories (have you played Kid Icarus?) or the idea of stories at all. He thinks that stories shouldn't get in the way of the gameplay. Some stories are just not well implemented. Do we really need 30 minutes of cutscenes at a time? I'd much rather play those scenes than just sit

If I wasn't at work, I would seriously consider saving this gif.

Why does it matter if they're playing the game? It may actually be a really fun game? Or, maybe they saw it, were amused, and wanted to play it for kicks.

Aww...you made the VTOL joke already. :\

I like the layout, but I feel like the commenting sections on this site keep getting worse with every iteration. Sure, this new commenting system is a bit cramped, but at least conversations are easy to follow once you open them up. The new comment layout is a combination of the WORST parts of the two commenting

I was at work, so I didn't have time to read more in-depth. Thanks for looking it up for me though, lol! ^_^

That's the thing though. If it's a phone survey, chances are that it's not very well distributed. I'd really like to see more of the demographics on this one because I just can't see it as being a valid poll.

For everyone freaking out, 800 people out of THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES is a VERY poor sample size. These "statistics" (if you can even call them that right now) don't mean anything.

Not to mention that the sample size was 800 people. These statistics are crap and not even worth reporting about.

Bushido Blade 3: Ehrgeiz Default Type-0