Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Hmm. That's a very good point that I hadn't even thought about. Either way, I'm still glad it's here. I really liked the inside look.

I'll give the shroom things. I don't know if that really had any place in the article, but there's some decent content in it, gripes about writing styles aside.

I'm not normalizing anything. I'm just asking how it's any weirder than the stuff other nerds engage in at any other time.

I'm only talking about moderation when it's legit. Comments like "You fucking suck" have no place anywhere and offer no constructive criticism or add in any way to a conversation.

Sure we have. There used to be what your kind would consider to be crap posts all the time. You're just looking at it through rose-colored glasses. Has the quality of the writing decreased? That depends on the author of each article. I mean, Leigh wasn't any better than Patricia as far as feminism goes (although,

Yes, I am. Who the hell are you to judge?

Here's how it "used" to be http://kotaku.com/5978236/?post=56583556

Mike, didn't you write an article once about how you were a furry? I can't find it. Do you happen to have the link by any chance?

That's only the first maybe 1/3 of the article. The rest gets into the culture and mentality of the people at the convention. If anything, it was an ice-breaker of sorts to make absurd the notions that we have of the furry culture; how it's not actually the end of the world that people dress up in fur-suits or

See my reply to Bobtastic.

Link: http://kotaku.com/5816308/furries-and-lolitas-pave-the-way-for-the-modern-journalist

I don't like my games to be unfairly hard, but I do like to feel as if I earn the good weapons. I don't want some uber weapon at the start because then it gives me a chance to develop the skills I need to play the game later on (after that weapon becomes outclassed) and it also makes me feel like more of a badass if

Fair enough. That's a shame, though.

I was enjoying it, but it started getting too easy as I became super strong. The only bad guys that posed any challenge were the big daddies, and I had a plasmid that at least made them temporarily friendly to me. :\

Is it? Did they have it on their website or something at some point?

Are these power-ups something that are typically given in the game? They don't seem like plasmids.

The only thing in there that interested me was the puzzle game and the lock picks, and the lock picks only because I don't know if you can find them in game or not. I'm not a fan of power-ups and things that make the game easier as part of my pre-order bonus.

I love the Tingle Tuner. It really was a lot of fun to use, and Tingle was actually pretty funny. It added some nice extra little challenges to the game and let a second person feel important.

I'm interested, but there's no Wii U on that list. This makes me sad as I loved NMH.

Wow. I...never noticed that before. Holy crap