Dyram - The Emerald Blade

The first thing I do when I get home from work every day is grab my controller and just turn it on. I keep the tv off and just take the controller upstairs. While I'm changing and getting ready for the evening, I check out MiiVerse just to see what new, creative things people have put on there. I have to say,

Did I say install? *Checks back to his original comment* Shit, I did. lol. I meant update. Still, good stuff to know. If I ever get anything from the eShop, it'll be neat to see what download options they have available. I like how for the 3DS you can download in the background while your system is in sleep mode

Cool. Might have to try that next time I buy 2+ games at once.

So if you install a new game and it gives you the option to "play software" while it's performing the update, can you do that, turn off the game, eject the disc, and continue that download while potentially playing another game?

My Gamecube would freeze up on some of my custom maps in Time Splitters 2.

Any time! I'm always up for a good discussion about gaming! ^_^

I'm inclined to agree with some of your statement. I do think the older gamers have less time to play, but as the kids in this generation get older, sales will pick up again. I don't think the average age of gamers will go up much more. I think it will stabilize for a few years, then decrease, then slowly rise

I think everyone else here said it pretty well. I had really high expectations for this console. It exceeded pretty much all of them. Also, I can't tell enough people how awesome Zombi U is if you like Survival Horror (the real thing, not the new resident evil type games).

Isn't that how it always seems to work out, though? =P

Like Aravas said, mine seems to keep getting faster. I think as they increase server sizes and during low traffic times, it really goes pretty fast. I think I waited maybe 10 seconds once for a long end wait.

I strongly recommend Zombi U. It's what survival horror really needs to be. Also, get the deluxe if you can. Nintendo Land is way more fun than it has any right to be, especially if you have others to play it with.

Not just that, but some of the artwork they produce is absolutely amazing.

The Wii U is more powerful than all the current gen consoles. I don't see why people keep saying it has the same power.

A valid point. Still, if Sony and MS make the move towards motion peripherals, that could potentially inflate some of the price as well.

Right? And really, with Windows 8, it seems like it's all about consolidating and streamlining (granted, at the cost of freedom to use your OS the way you want...). It's about trying to make it easier for the casual user.

See my response to ROD1MUSPRIME01. Also, I think I left you my Nintendo Network ID on Polygon, so you should have that already. =P

You can add me on MiiVerse. Dyram_Blade. I like rational people! :)

I think this generation will be one of the most interesting. Like I said in another post on this article, the Wii shook up the entire market. With the success of the Wii and the initial failure of the PS3, I just don't see Sony and MS releasing consoles upwards of $500-$600 to try to "blow the Wii U out of the

I'm glad to see other people talking sense on here now. I was worried when I saw the first 3 comments completely bashing the Wii U with no foreknowledge of what the new Sony and MS consoles are even going to be like.

This +1. Seriously, MS and Sony may decide to go in a different direction with the success of the Wii and the initial failure of the PS3. To get the more powerful graphics, they have to price their consoles higher. Sure, they can blow the Wii U out of the water with graphics and power, but will it be worth the