Dyram - The Emerald Blade

By independence, I mean from like, parents. You're ultimately provided with more choice and facilities to enact those choices, but societal constructs often restrict the ability to act upon those choices.

lol. Btw, I meant to tell you, I like your avatar. My wife and I prefer Fluttershy, but they're all great. XD

Ugh, don't even get me started on that topic. I can't stand the constant slashing of the educational budget. And people wonder why America is weakening in the global market...

Besides, who didn't love Choose Your Own Adventures as a kid! XD

I may not play every night, but I definitely get my time in. If I didn't get it during the week, I try to make up for it on the weekend. ;)

I think the trash looking worse is a symptom of the medium's relative youth as we haven't had as much time as, let's say, literature or music to really have generated a sizable number of good examples of the medium as art.

That's an interesting perspective that isn't often addressed, and you're absolutely right. There is mindless crap in other media, but I think that the "other media" has enough history that you can hold more of their works on a pedestal as exemplary examples of art, whereas games are such a new kind of art and media

I think that's true with any interest though. Granted, video games have always been my primary hobby interest, but I also played outside, read, was in band, and always involved in at least one sport. The problem now though is that, as an adult, I have a lot less free time. Video games are still my primary hobby,

That's awesome! I have to say, your English is quite good. If you hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have known the difference.

If you enjoy those Facebook games, then all the more power to you. Even though a lot of gamers may give you shit about it, if you really enjoy it, then it's still gaming. Who knows, maybe you'll find your way back to consoles or handhelds, but if you like what you're doing now, then keep on doing it!

If this comes west, there's a good chance I'll get it. I'm not a huge fan of the super deformed art style in the game, but the character art, the landscapes, and all the other visuals look really impressive. Also, I've seen a lot of positive reviews for it, and it would be nice to have a traditional RPG for my 3DS.

I actually popped this game in last night to play it. I'm super rusty, but it was fun to dick around in training mode.

Right before Christmas is our BIGGEST shopping season of the year. As such, companies like to release things right around Thanksgiving for the US to make sure it's on people's minds for the holiday sales rush.

I honestly didn't really like Epic Mickey for the Wii. I never even finished it. It's filled with collectibles, but doesn't allow you the ability to backtrack. Also, the good vs. evil was basically just reduced to paint vs. thinner. The camera was wonky and the gameplay was adequate. It had it's fun moments, but

Not everyone can afford a second TV and a new game console. For those with limited televisions, or for those who don't want to constantly have to disconnect their console to move it to another television, this is a really nice option. I know it will get use in my house because it will allow me to play a console game

I had a group of close friends that I would play MH3. We got to the upper level quests online and couldn't advance. I actually went on Capcom-Unity and we found a fourth member which really helped us out.

I think I would prefer a MH4U, honestly, although I do love my 3DS. 3U looks gorgeous, but I can't justify getting it since I already own Tri and none of my friends are getting a Wii U yet.

I loved MH3, so I'm absolutely looking forward to this. Here's hoping it comes Stateside! ^_^

Cigarette smoke irritates my throat immensely and can make it difficult for me to breathe. You won't see me publicly complaining to people who smoke in public, but smokers really need to be more considerate about those around them. Don't smoke near entrances to buildings, near other groups of people, or upwind from

Really, the animation in the movie was anything BUT lazy. Also, as Zach Man said, the writing was fantastic and there was lots of great voice acting and video game fan service. I came close to tears at a few points in the movie. You're really doing yourself a disservice by not going to see it.