Dyram - The Emerald Blade

I thought it was cute also, but I found myself saying once the movie ended, "...and he went into work the next day and was promptly fired."

Nice, lol. I can't read Japanese, so I had no idea it said that. XP

I hate strategy games. Fire Emblem is the only strategy series that I play. I'd start with Path of Radiance for the GCN because you can save mid-battle, so if someone dies, you can just reload. Just be warned, the battles take a LONG time as a result (Sometimes upwards of a couple of hours).

I usually get over 100 at D*C every year. It's fun. :)

I have the same problem with StreePasses! I'm lucky to get one a month. Sometimes I strike gold and get two, but yeah. Usually when I take my 3DS out, I never get any tags, even if I go to Gamestop!

Is that a Satoru Iwata I see in the top right next to luigi?


Ditto. I got mine the day after. Mere hours after that, the deluxe was sold out. I have no regrets.

That's about the only part that bugged me, otherwise I thought it was great.

The problem is, a lot of librarians either aren't paid much or are volunteer. Chances are, they don't know what's in every book in the library unless their system has notes on it. On top of that, there are a lot of libraries that are self-checkout nowadays, so you don't even necessarily need to interact with the

I guess that's true. Some past things affected future events, but it wasn't a crazy amount.

Damn it! I'm sorry I failed you!

I'll level with you. I didn't really get very far in Chrono Cross. I only ever got as far as the swamp.

Understandable. A lot of people jumped ship. I kind of hung around due to convenience. Honestly, the previous comment iteration before this one (with the lateral comments) was actually a bit easier to use than this new one. Anyway, I've gotten used to it, so I deal with it. I still tend to like the articles, so

You put Majora's Mask but not Ocarina of Time? Really? You could have at least given them a joint entry...

I have, but not recently. Some other people mentioned that to me earlier. Thanks!

Fuck...I already have Tri for the Wii and now I kind of want to get this one...

I always pay my credit card off each month in full, so loans are never an issue. I rarely purchase anything I can't afford with the money in my bank account. The obvious exceptions being large purchase for repairs or essentials (house, car, etc.), but those are few and far between. I find it to be a lot more secure

Hmm. I was not aware of that. I always thought the TV out was fine so long as the system had the option for surround sound.

Drake! I haven't heard from you in forever! Are you still drawing?