Dyram - The Emerald Blade

That's awesome to know! Maybe I should find a new game to buy on the e-shop then.

I haven't bought anything on the E-Shop for a couple of months, so I may have missed that. That's fantastic! Hopefully if I buy something, I can use up my remaining points and then pay the rest via credit card.

It's not that I don't understand. Perhaps I should have said, "I don't see why there's a good, consumer focused reason..."

See, I'm ok with retail blocks. It's just when you purchase online that I have a huge issue with block purchases.

Nintendo has pretty much the same system of "points" and I just don't understand the mentality. In today's internet marketplace where everyone has credit cards, why do I have to buy "points" which I then use to "buy" actual games? Even worse, why do I have to buy points in "blocks" that don't even correspond with

Since it uses an HDMI cable, couldn't you just use the sound out on your TV for surround sound?

You are the first person whom I have ever seen state that it is a part of the current generation of consoles.

Years after? What are you talking about? The WiiU marks the start of the NEXT console generation, and as of yet, we have no idea how powerful the new Xbox and Playstation will be. Right now the WiiU is in the same position as the PS2 was during its generation.

I would argue that was because a lot of developers didn't necessarily take the Gamecube very seriously.

It was below the Gamecube in terms of raw power, and it was nowhere near what the Xbox was capable of graphics-wise. It was also the only console of that generation with 2 controller ports. Everything else had 4.

I think the problem you have with the article is that it starts out focusing on Horton, but then ends focusing on LoL. Also, I think the degree of skepticism displayed at the beginning of the article is reasonable because, let's be honest, it could just be a PR person trying to drum up publicity from the gamer

Holy crap! A reasonable person on the internet? What is the world coming to?!?!?!

I have that gun (or a variation of it). It's a pistol, but it fires fully automatic. I'm NEVER selling it. XD

Why isn't this a website yet?!?!?!

Since when did Crencente have his own manga?

I have a PC too. I also have friends who have other consoles, so it's not like I haven't tried a lot of games. The only series I've missed that I'm even tangentially curious about are Assassin's Creed and Dark Souls/Demon Souls. I also enjoy the "Tales of" series, so I'm a little sad I missed out on some of those.

I'm just going to put this out there, but the only non-consoles I've ever owned were a Genesis and a PS2, and I didn't even buy the PS2. I got it as a hand-me-up from my younger sister in exchange for a DVD player we weren't using anymore.

I love you forever. XD

Someone really needs to make a .gif of that really rapid overhead slashy attack they do. It's hilariously adorable.

As far as game preference goes, I can understand that, but I wouldn't expect a price drop to come anytime soon. I mean, that probably depends on what the Next PS and Xbox release for, but if they go for significant improvements on the WiiU, they're going to cost in the $450+ range, and I feel like I'm being