Dyram - The Emerald Blade

ZombiU, New Super Mario Bros U., Bayonetta 2, CoD: Black Ops, The Wonderful 101, Nintendo Land, 007 Legends, and 43 other games that are coming out in the launch window. That list was off the top of my head. What do you mean there isn't a good software lineup?

Bully to you, good sir!

lol. I liked your tl;dr. I used the handle on occasion for some Mario Kart LAN parties. Good times, despite the fact that everything about it was randomized...

It just annoys me when people bash on Nintendo not focusing on graphics, when they were pretty much leading the industry in graphical power until the Wii.

The GCN was more powerful than the PS2 and the Dreamcast. Only the Xbox outclassed it in power.

I don't see that this has been asked yet, but what's the deal with the wonky gravity. It BL1, it felt like everything had weight to it. Now, you see a bandit jump off a building and he just kind of glides/floats to the ground.

You sir, win the awesome internet award of bodaciousness. That was a fantastic answer. XD

Psh. What are you talking about? I play that way ALL THE TIME. It's super comfy.

Dude, I live just up 400. We should hang out sometime, lol!

Your #3 is the truth, man. I hate that argument. My friends use it, and I hear analysts talk about it ALL THE DAMN TIME. It's an ignorant statement. Cell phones do not have the same power as a dedicated gaming handheld or console, and the quality of the content is vastly different. I don't know anyone who console

Personally, I'm looking forward to NSMBU (the multiplayer is a huge draw) as I really enjoyed NSMB Wii. Also, I like the looks of ZombiU and Assassin's creed 3. Nintendoland seems fun as well. Honestly, there are a lot of good launch games, but I can understand if they don't float your boat; however, the idea that

You'll be waiting at least 2 years, if not more. The Wii took a LONG time to drop in price.

And financially, Nintendo is way ahead of where Sega ever was. Your comment is bad and you should feel bad.

As many have already said to you, this will be a non-issue as all WiiUs will have a gamepad. Also, the gamepad has all the same functionality and more as the Pro controller. The Pro controller is a separate purchase. You might want to take another look at all the WiiU press conference details from last week again.

I do. They had commercials everywhere. It was such a big deal for his 15th. Now, it seems Capcom's out to strip Mega Man of any dignity he had left and leave him for dead in the gutter...

I got mine on the way home after work today. Dodged that bullet.

I'm definitely excited! I can't wait for 11/18!!!!

Ditto. I'm so excited right now. I've been riding a high all day since the announcements this morning.

I love reading that document. It explains all the weird inconsistencies in the game; whether or not that was intentional on the part of the devs.