Dyram - The Emerald Blade

This link blew my mind. I recommend you read it if you haven't already.

I missed Squeak Squad, unfortunately. I think what really maked RtDL great for me was the inclusion of 4 person multiplayer. Have you tried it? That shit is awesome, man. I mean, the game felt like an expanded milky way wishes from Super Star, except you had to actually absorb your powers instead of collecting

I think I counted Pinball and Ball as the same thing, since they're both the same shape. Ball was in Kirby's Adventure for the NES.

Return to Dreamland was also pretty great.

Thank you much! I thought it looked familiar, but couldn't place it from a profile view (KSS Ninja that is).

There's only two I don't know, and those are the one with the bear claw and the one with the tiara (both on left). Otherwise, here are the ones I can find:

lol. Glad we see eye to eye now. I make it my life's goal to be as little of a douche as possible. =P

Not really bragging. I guess I didn't completely finish the thought as to why it was relevant though. I've seen a lot of different psych studies that test absolutely ridiculous things, and so I was able to relate to Mike's comments. Therefore, I figured my psych background made this extra funny for me. I wasn't


Mike, I absolutely love your sarcastic writing style. I had to try very hard to keep myself from literally laughing out loud at work. Having a psych background, I found your musings on this subject to be quite droll. Also, for a study like this, 40 people is a terrible sample size.

There are way too many people dressed up in awesome costumes at D*C. I was there Friday-Sunday, all day, each day, and I barely saw half of those cosplayers. Ugh...that's the curse of having to choose between taking photos and going to panels. :(

Was that the actual Samara, because I saw her multiple times at the con, and she looked just like the photos from...I believe it was Comic Con.

I was in the VG Voice Actors panel that he was in, and he used the "I'm Commander Shapard, and this is my favorite ___." line on multiple occasions. Comedy gold.

This is true, and I love the original Star Wars in part because of that internal struggle Luke goes through. However, it doesn't change the fact that the moral gray area is where the fun is at. XD

There is precedence for it. Jedi Knight: MotS and Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, to name a few, and also the Star Wars: Clone Wars TV show. There's a mini-arc dealing with the light, dark, and neutral side of the force.

Jedi Knight: MotS gave a view of the gray area for Jedi, with the whole Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn story, so there is precedence for it.

I guess that's true, but it'd be nice if there was a story branch relating to it.

Honestly, it'd be nice if more games used the D&D alignment system, or a variation thereof. I mean, they don't have to put you into one of those blocks, but it'd be nice if you had dialogue options that matched those. Maybe you'd also get perks and penalties based on which of those boxes you fell into, or people

Yep. All pre-orders everywhere give the Mechromancer when it's ready to be distributed several months after the game's release.