Dyram - The Emerald Blade

Like I said though, Team Ninja didn't do the story, so you can't blame them for that.

It was Nintendo who did the characterization, not Team Ninja, so you can't really blame them for that.

Which is exactly what I'm getting at. I was shocked at the reaction too.

I'll give you the activating the Varia Suit. She probably should've at least requested permission for that when she entered the Volcanic area. That being said, I would've also accepted had the Varia suit been mildly damaged in a battle with an earlier version of Ridley and the suit had to self repair.

Please do! If nothing else, the gameplay was enjoyable.

I think her characterization is strongly Japanese, and I think that threw off a lot of western gamers. I watch a lot of anime and play a good number of JRPGs, so I'm used to their various characterization cliches. I think you might have hit the nail on the head on that characterization doesn't translate well.

Alright then, I'm going to go ahead and throw myself to the wolves here. I liked The Other M, and I like what Nintendo is doing with Samus' character. I said this in reply to another post, but since Kinja doesn't like showing everything, I'm sure this will never be seen if I don't do it this way.

I liked Fusion, honestly. I liked the ledge-grab mechanics that the included. Also, Samus felt genuinely vulnerable whenever you encountered SA-X in the beginning of the game. I liked the feeling of tension and suspense that it built up.

If I remember correctly, Nintendo did the story. Honestly, it wasn't that far a cry from the personality that was developed for Samus in Fusion.

Huzzahs all around! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

You, sir, win the internet for the rest of this evening. Enjoy the next 2 minutes.

I got it, but it took me a REALLY long time. Strafing while running at a diagonal helps...Oh, and memorizing the entire effing level. Plus getting lucky since the scientist wasn't always in the same spot...

Meh. Too much effort. I'm ok letting this one pass.

I'm not surprised about that. I really loved the story and the love plot in that movie. The only thing that really annoyed me was the "Invincible James" angle they went with...I guess he completed the Facility on 00 Agent in under 2:05.

Unfortunately, I don't know that I have room in my budget for this game. I decided earlier to get Xenoblade instead of this, and I can't complain. I loved Xenoblade. Put well over 100 hours into it. I think I would up around 120-150 hours when I finally beat it. There were issues with that game, sure, but it's

I agree. I think most starred commentors were good, but there were definitely some issues. Also, there were plenty of people who deserved stars who never had one. It was really too subjective.

Isn't that in and of itself worth the $50?

Honestly, I don't think it would be a bad idea to give Kotaku comments a set of like/dislike buttons. The more likes a comment has, the further up in the front of the comments section that comment goes, kind of like YouTube.

Now playing

Ah. That would make sense then. Well, don't I feel sheepish.

Don't get me wrong, I loved OHMSS, but I'm surprised it's going to be in 007 Legends. I loved the romance plot, but James was absolutely terrible in that movie. I mean, typically, James feels at least mostly human in his movies, but in OHMSS, he's just invincible. Seriously, watch the movie. I don't think he ever