I watch this movie at least once a year. It's fucking fantastic.
I watch this movie at least once a year. It's fucking fantastic.
Do I get to drink from the firehose?
Just doing my job, citizen! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go save my janitor/star actor from our corrupt, syndicated competition.
I saw him in concert earlier this year when he passed through Atlanta. It was absolutely amazing!!! God, he's an awesome performer...
It's a reference to the South Park episode. I can't find a good video of it in 5 minutes of YouTube searching, so...you get nothing.
Nice. It's nice to be able to find time to follow your passions! I'm glad you're able to keep up with it.
Thanks for the tips! I really might have to look into it because I'm dying to cosplay, but I'm such a perfectionist when it comes to works of art, that I usually just give up before I start...
That's right! How's your improv going?
You are good at blowing off some steam, lol. You moved over to The Verge, right? How are you liking it over there? I have a hard time navigating their front page, so I tend not to visit it. I'm sure if I spent a couple of days there that I'd figure it out, but I'm too lazy.
Welcome back! You just popping in to say hello, or are you back for a while?
Any links on tips or tricks to make armor? I'd be very interested in looking into it. Perhaps for D*C next year.
That's Flaming Flying Turtle to you, lizard breath!
YOU, sir, win the internet for a whole week! Thank you very much. XD
It's been so long, I don't even remember anymore, and I'm too lazy to Google. =P
Wolfenstein 3D had the hidden Pac-Man level. That was absolutely amazing, and it was REALLY hard to find.
Someone needs to post a cross section of Godzilla with a person inside of this. I would do it myself, but I'm at work and have zero photoshop skills. :(
Why would he need to do that? He can just jump on Gamera's back. They're buddies now, right?
This picture actually was reported like, last year on Kotaku.
God, I would love to cosplay in a suit of armor from Monster Hunter, but that shit would be sooo fucking hard to make...It'd be so badass to traipse around in a full set of Rathalos Armor with my Almighty Dahaka.