Dyram - The Emerald Blade

That episode was pretty great. I like Fluttershy-centric episodes.

You make a valid point. I stand by my original post, but am aware that it was made hastily in response. Like I said earlier, I'm not sure why I felt so strongly about it, but I'll be damned if it didn't hit me where it hurt.

I guess my biggest beef is that Mane6 has been very forthcoming with the information. They're releasing a lot of information to everyone who's following what their doing. This is one of those labor of love projects that, based on my reading of their blog entries, they feel very strongly about. Whatever their

I feel this is relevant to this article, so I'll just leave this here...

It's more his face that's terrifying me than the shirt...

Some people are absolute assholes. Why would you go and do that? This is seriously someone who needs to be strung up as an example for all to see and held accountable for what they did. They took what was a really awesome thing and violated it. Who did they think they were helping? I've been periodically

Isn't this kind of what Kick Starter is?

Understandable. I mean, you really can't go wrong either way. I just found I got bored with HG faster than I did with D/P or B/W because it was the same game all over again. I beat Kanto, but beyond that, I didn't even catch all of the legendary birds.

Reading your post yesterday, you already got the original Gold. I don't know that it's worth your time to get HG and then B/W. By the time you get to B/W2, you'll probably be pokemoned out. I say just skip HG and go straight to B/W and B/W2.

Oh shit, I forgot about the BeanBean Kingdom. Good catch, man! There's another financial rival. Maybe they're China?

This clone-o-mat does not exist. I have not seen it!

I love my 3DS, personally. I play it at LEAST on a weekly basis.

That's the beauty of Bowser's plan. He has his minion army, so there are always job openings available! However, by restricting his job market, he creates a job demand. By impoverishing his people, he can drip-feed them money and job opportunities all while lining his own coffers. His minions are both stupid AND

I know. I saw that post. That's what made me tell you to just buy a damn 3DS already. Like eatplaysleepmore said, you can get that and just wait for NSMB2, or you can get Kid Icarus, or use the $40 towards a PS Vita if you really want.

You obviously want one. Toys R Us is having a special. By a 3DS bundle with KH:DDD and you get a $40 gift card towards another game (or anything else in their store, really). Just go out and buy it!

This made me lol, and I have no idea. XP

Well, it looks like the Mushroom Kingdom's economy is about to go to shit. With all these coins, inflation will run rampant and everyone's hard earned coins will be worth next to nothing. I think this was Bowser's master plan all along. Flood the Mushroom Kingdom with gold coins and then introduce his own currency

I know, right? More like China Joy KILL!

Exactly. It was $7 a month on the GCN. I know, I paid for it for a couple of months (maybe a year)? It was also my first lesson in not paying a monthly sub for MMOs if I could help it, because I didn't cancel my subscription immediately when I stopped playing.

Toy Story, not Toy Store