Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole

At least in the military (and I assume the civilian airline industry), pilots have checklists for EVERYTHING. Now, they aren't going to bust out a checklist to read a 5 page emergency procedure when a split second decision needs to be made, but as stated, he (alleged Pilot In Command) had training in other

It's not like the pilot had 43 hours of TOTAL flying experience. He had 10,000+ hours in different airframes, as well as an instructor/co-pilot with over 10,000 in the 777. These guys knew what they were doing, they just got complacent and the pilot in control was somewhat unfamiliar with the airframe.

You can mark them via voice command, although you have to wave your hand in front of the phone (at least on the iOS version).

I'm guessing it's based on all of the automation that's in modern airliners that's caused the complacency, not a lack of training per se.

Oh, the things I would do to overhaul her undercarriage.

Same here.

There are times when I miss being "home". I'm going to do my damnedest to come back to Detroit when/if ESPN brings the X Games there.

The woman video taping, suffered minor injuries.

Now playing

Shit. GO. You never know when it's gonna turn into something like this:

I work in Bothell. Huzzah?

Someone send me $75, I'll go pick it up and wear a Borat mankini (I'd have to order it).


Interesting, didn't know that.

I'm pretty sure that was a JDM only setup, just like chrome "smiley" bumpers.

Vengeance also owns a freaking sweet 1st Gen Celica.

Looks like an Escort to me.

Today, I go, to Rally Race with my friend, Sayir. I LIKE!