Try this ride along someone did with Matt in 2015.
Try this ride along someone did with Matt in 2015.
Uhm, it’s MATT Panic’s car. Mark drifts a Corona.
This right here should be all the evidence anyone needs to see that drinking the water in Flint causes irreparable brain damage.
Just so you don’t think I’m pulling shit out of my ass, Jeb, in my two trips to Afghanistan working the Hog, we shot a Mav exactly ONCE. Flying a standard config of Mavs, 1 targeting pod, 7x 2.75" rockets (HE or WP), and Mk. 82s (500lb air & ground burst), gun runs happened 90% of the time without any other munitions…
The Snow Camo pic you have is actually a model. 80-221 was the Snow Camo airframe, there were two “JAWS” airframes from Nellis (the polka dot ones), and the Desert Hog out of Barksdale. Those are the odd-ball paint schemes that I’m aware of.
Kosovo is/was a totally different AOR as well as enemy than Afghanistan. Flying against APCs/Tanks, yeah, Mavs are going to be employed more often. Flying against Haji in a Hilux, doesn’t require a Mav.
The Hog doesn’t have the power to fly gun runs loaded?! I’ll take some of that crack you’re smoking.
On second though,…
Yes, shows of force via a low level, “high speed” pass have dispersed enemy combatants in Afghanistan in the past.
Uh... where the hell did you hear that, because it’s not true. Gun runs are much more common than Mav shoots.
During the first test firing of the Avenger, the test A-10 did have a dual engine flame out. To combat that, the igniters on the motors fire whenever the trigger is pulled. There was also a change in the type of gunpowder used in the rounds.
There’s some obscurement, but not a ton. The vibrations caused by the gun firing are worse than the gun gas.
1. Congratulations? When did you serve?
2. Capable of actual thought, or because you’re a veteran and you’re better than me?
On paper, yeah, you’re right, they’re the same. In reality, Specialist Snowflake protesting in a pussy hat will catch more shit than some SEAL Lt. rolling a HMMWV with a Trump flag swinging from the whip.
Oh dear. Do we start a pissing match, or just keep playing fuck, fuck, goose together?
While it may be the same in the regs, I don’t see it personally.
I need to go back and read more on it, but was there this much uproar about the T-6 flying with FTRUMP as its callsign?
You clearly don’t understand how shit works in SOF units. I’d be rather surprised if they get anything other than a stern talking to. MAYBE a Captain’s Mast with suspended busts, but I doubt that.
Not enough “OMG” value in flying Old Glory. SEAL troll level, Over 9000!
I’d much rather have this than the dumbasses “protesting” in uniform.
SEALs gonna SEAL. “Justice” will most likely be a slap on the wrist. I highly doubt any of these guys will be standing tall for very long on the carpet.
What are your thoughts on Obama going to Hawaii and Bush going to Texas?